natural resources as we develop our built environment
AAK Mombasa Branch Chairman Taibali Hamzali explained:
"The aim of the conference is to inform and educate the participants of the importance of conserving our limited natural resources as we develop our built environment.
"The target participants are Architects, Engineers, Quantity Surveyors, Building Contractors, specialist sub contractors, students and any persons or organisations that have an interest in sustainability."
The seminar topics include:
• Water management in urban areas and water conservation / reuse
• Alternative energy sources - wind, solar, biogas, etc. and their applications in buildings
• Use of sustainable materials - issues of deforestation, land/resources degradation, etc.
• Waste management and recycling of materials
Seminar speakers include:
Ms Fatma Twahir: Trained as Architect at the National College of Arts, Lahore, specialising in Environmental Design.
Gerryshom Munala: Acting Chairman of Department of Construction Management, School of Architecture and Building Sciences at JKUAT.
Mr. Munala also teaches at Kenyatta University in the Department of Environmental Planning and Management. Registered Architect, licensed Environmental Impact Assessor and Environmental Auditor with NEMA.
Philip Magaga Omunga: Lecturer in Construction Management at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.
Yusuf Ebrahim: Registered Architect. MA in Environmental Design.