Rangers Of Sarova Taita Hills Sanctuary Arrest A Poacher
June 4, 2010
Poacher Selemani Mboga Malebi carrying a sack full of bush meat caught by Taita Hills Wildlife Sanctuary rangers (PHOTO)
He was caught with a sack containing about ten kilograms of impala meat
A notorious poacher Selemani Mboga Malebi was caught in Taita Hills Wildlife Sanctuary in the morning of 30th May 2010 by a team of sanctuary rangers.
He was carrying a sack full of bush meat, snares and other poaching paraphernalia.
He was spotted walking within the sanctuary at the Bura dam; Walking in the sanctuary is prohibited and he was immediately arrested.
He was caught with a sack containing about ten kilograms of impala meat.
The arrested man is on the "wanted list" of poachers in both Tsavo East and West national parks.
He has been arrested in the past but due to the lenient jail terms many poachers are released to continue plundering the small game in the parks including the Sarova Taita Hills sanctuary.
Reached for comment Sarova Regional General Manager stated:
It is increasingly becoming dangerous for the small game" as the trade in bush meat continues unabated.
We appeal to the courts to give longer jail terms to arrested poachers.
As a lodge we are involved in many events to help the local community in getting economically empowered.
Article at: http://www.coastweek.com/3323-08.htm