Staying in lodges only, no small tented camps. Thanks.
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What's the latest you'd book Kenya for early Sept 2010?

I would say that it would depend entirely on which locations you are going to, the lodge itself and whether or not they have a large number of rooms and also whether or not you've stayed with them before.
If I were going to new places I would definitely book 6 - 8 months in advance at least. However, if it is some place you have stayed before and/or often, you usually don't need to give nearly as much booking time. Since I usually stay in the same places I usually book 2 - 3 months in advance and Southern Cross Safaris has never had a problem getting the booking for me (except in Nairobi hotels).

I don't frequent these places. I was thinking after the new year, hoping for some better deals. That would certainly be in the 6-8 month range.

Atravelynn, there are already specials coming out which last until end of March 2010 for Kenya.
For Taz we have already got specials far into 2010.
The possibility that there are going to be specials for the rest of 2010 incl. peak season is pretty high as safaris are not picking up to earlier volumes - still feeling credit crunch impact.
In 2009 we had specials as well also for peak season (migration).
If I were in your shoes I would wait until 03/2010 and then start shopping around.

That would still be about 6 months, waiting until March. That's kind of what I was thinking. Thanks Kipper.

Hey, Pippa your a "Dump Truck" LOL!
Lynn twas not I but our friend Pippa with the great information!!