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Sad news for the wildlife of Tsavo National Park

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  Jan Thursday, 16 June 2011 15:38

Sad news for the wildlife of Tsavo National Park

by Danny Woodley on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 3:55am

Having served for over 20 years in the Kenya national parks service,and my family for over two generations,i have decided to leave KWS. I have had the most exciting life that any young man could wish for and shared it with some of the most amazing people who i have had the pleasure to work with. Many of my work mates remain my closest friends and without them Wildlife conservation in this Country would be doomed. KWS comes under a lot of criticism from the public,many of whom fail to understand the huge responsibility,the vast areas of coverage,the legal restrictions or the magnitude of KWS mandate. Few people fully realize the dangers,discomforts,hardships or challenges that we in the service have to go through on a regular basis. Few civilians have faced gunfire and seen their colleagues gunned down in their midst and even fewer would do it for the minimal pay that government offers. But this is the sacrifice that we have made and my colleagues will continue to. All is not well in Kenya today,with a population increase of 1.2 million Kenyans a year,global warming,poor governance or international current affairs. We do have to except change and national development and sometimes to the sacrifice of our Natural Heritage. My challenge to you critics therefore is make the sacrifice yourselves, join Politics, join government for it is here that policy and solutions are formulated!! Having done my service and duty for this Country i now move on to pursue a line of work which in the future may provide many of the worlds eco-systems with sustainable funding solutions. I therefore wish my colleagues and KWS all the best for i know it is a frustrating and Bloody hard job.....and thank you to every body else for your support and encouragement during my tenure. I finally i leave you with a copy of the Game Wardens Motto.....We the willing, led by the unknowing-are doing the impossible, for the ungrateful-we have done so much for so long with so little,we are now qualified to do anything with nothing...........!


(Taken from Danny's note on Facebook)