q: WOULD YOU PAY U.S. $5,000 DOLLARS TO COME And view this ?
Wildlife Safaris In Kenya Are Just Too Expensive ?
two week VISIT becomes impossible for average family
I have just read online [www.coastweek.com] your article of "Ministry Taps Into Wildlife Re-sources to Boost Tourism".
You report: Kenya Wildlife Service takes in U.S. $400 million dollars yearly. Where is all that money going ?
It obviously isn’t all going to preserve and care for wildlife (which is what the average tourist expects to be done with their park fees.)
Kenya’s national parks are today not only the source of great revenue, but preserve the biodiversity which forms a great part of the Republic’s heritage and national asset.
At a time when KWS has an inadequate number of vehicles to care for wildlife, inadequate number of rangers in the parks, often doesn’t have enough fuel fortheir vehicles to get to an injured animal, isn’t adequately outfitting their rangers with weapons equal to or better than those of poachers, and not paying compensation promptly, then something is very wrong.
KWS "park charges are reasonably priced".
That should be WERE reasonably priced. Remember please, when the parks raise their rates – the lodges and camps do also. This is now edging many tourists out of going to Kenya.
I’ve been interviewed on local television regarding my safaris (#19 in February) and have shown my pictures of Kenya to many people who would love to take their families to Kenya, but when they hear that it will cost U.S. $2,500.00 dollars PER PERSON in the dry season to just fly there, and then have to pay approximately U.S. $5,000.00 for visas, parks fees, internal airfare, and lodges/ camps PER PERSON for a two week safari it just becomes impossible to do for the average family.
Kenya may well be pricing herself out of the market.
The reason I chose to do my first safari in Kenyaback in 2001 was BECAUSE Kenya had better wildlife conservation than the other African countries.
If KWS needs to raise more funds, then they need to take a look at the discrimination they show in charging. In most countries of the world National parks have the same entrance fees for its citizens and non-citizens. Instead KWS could charge most Kenyans the same rate as we tourists. Most Kenyan tourists in the parks are middle-class to wealthy (most far wealthier than I) and they should be paying more. KWS could have a bus at each park for those poor people who want to see the wildlife but are unable to pay the fees or have no vehicle and let them in the park free! It just isn’t fair that all Kenyans pay more than 60 per cent less than I, and yet sleep in the same rooms/ tents, eat the same food, drive in the same vehicles and see the same wildlife.
Kenya doesn’t need to market herself abroad. Kenya, her people and her wildlife market the country for you. When safari goers like me get back home and tell people how wonderful Kenya is, the people, the wildlife, the landscape it makes others want to enjoy your wonderful country. Word of mouth and wildlife television programs are the best way to draw more tourists.
As Paul Udoto says, "we are the national trustee that is tasked with the mandate of conserving and managing Kenya’s wildlife for the Kenyan people and the world at large".
Then use every cent you get for caring for the wild please. It won’t be there for long if you don’t. Keep all hands off the money that should be going for wildlife protection.
I make these suggestions with respect from the perspective of someone who loves Kenya.
I would love to see more positive changes made on behalf of wild life instead of funds being used for "raves" in the park etc.
Janet S. Goss, N/A., U.S.A
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Article at: http://www.coastweek.com/3422_34.htm