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Woman Lives with Cheetahs, Lions, Wolves

You are here: Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Woman Lives with Cheetahs, Lions, Wolves

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Woman Lives with Cheetahs, Lions, Wolves

Link to this post 03 Apr 09
Link to this post 03 Apr 09

Interesting Jan!

Despite Bloemfontain is in the Freestate and Freestate is prime country for canned hunting.......

Link to this post 03 Apr 09


I too found it very interesting in that our friends Bev and Chris haven't been allowed to open a cat sanctuary.

I wonder if it's a matter of who you know? How much you're willing to pay?

Link to this post 04 Apr 09


I lately came across a post on fodors where a fodorite reported proudly of a visit to a game farm in South Africa where he was allowed to pet cheetahs and 3 small lion cubs and took photos which he would "not had been able to shoot in the wilds".

I searched for the website and it's clearly advertised that they guarantee petting these cats.
So I asked the Owner of that company for the reasons they have obviously on a "regular basis" these lion cubs.
I asked Chris and Bev and also Paul whether they know this guy.

You - I am sure - know the outcome:
The owner said he works with a lion breeder and these lion cubs go back to the breeder when they are 4 months old to be released into the wild again.

I then wrote whether he inform me on the reasons for that procedure - first raise the cubs by hand and then put an effort to train them to fend for themselves so that they can be released.

I copied in our friends in South Arfica and also informed the owner that Christ would be delighted to visit his premises incl. Chris Phone number.

I did not get any sufficient information yet and I doubt I will get one at all. Chris for sure informs me IF he ever gets a call.............

Chris and also Paul knew this operation - and that is for no good reason!

What drives me crazy is the lack of knowledge or common sense these travellers show. They don't care for the animals as long as the can get a photo to "proof" how brave they were in Africa.

It's sickening altogether!

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Woman Lives with Cheetahs, Lions, Wolves