I'll be traveling to Kenya on Safari. What do I need to have prior to travel? any tips and information that can help make my Kenya stay fun will be helpful. I'll be there for 2 weeks.
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What do I need for Kenya travel?

Hello Yerra,
first of all welcome to Bushdrums and thanks for registering.
Your question is very general, making it a little difficult to answer it. Could you let us know a few more details like where you intend to go on safari, how you will travel, where you will spend the nights and what you already know or have?
I assume it is your first trip?

Welcome to Bushdrums! I hope you'll join us often and feel free to contribute.
I'll give you some general information, but some of it may depend on when you are going to Kenya and where in Kenya you plan to safari. I'm also presuming that you already have your plane tickets and have booked with a safari company.
You should see a travel medicine specialist before you leave home. They will most likely want you have a yellow fever shot. Chances of getting yellow fever are very slim. However, should yellow fever be reported in Kenya while you are there, and if you haven't gotten the shot, you may have problems getting back into your home country. They may also suggest you get hepatitis shots, A and B. You also need to be sure to get a prescription for antimalarial pills. As you may know, malaria is caused by the bite of mosquitos. At certain times of year there are mosquitos so be sure to have the pills with you. DO NOT let them give you Larium. Yes, many people have taken it with no problems. However, many have also ended up in the hospital in Nairobi with severe psychotic-type symptoms. Malarone is the newer antimalarial with very few side effects. It is more expensive, but worth it. Some health insurance carriers will pay part of the cost of this medication.
When in Kenya drink bottled water. Some place offer "filtered" water but I wouldn't take a chance on it. Some places in Kenya claim their water is safe, but it is better to be safe than sorry so please use the bottled water. Tea and coffee are excellent. Of course Coke and beer and wines are fine also. Tusker beer is one brand that everyone seems to enjoy.
Food in most safari places is excellent and very safe. Most of the books suggest you not eat salads or anything that is not cooked well. Fruits that you can peel the skins from such as bananas are fine.
Be sure to take some Imodium with you "just in case". In 14 trips to Kenya I've only needed it once.
Be sure to take enough film, or if you have a digital camera enough memory cards, to be able to capture all the beautiful scenery and wildlife pictures you want. It is dusty on safari in Kenya so you will want to clean your camera while there. It is also advisable to keep your camera covered while driving to prevent the dust from getting in it. You can use a shirt or piece of cloth to achieve this. If you will be taking both still and video pictures try to get a still picture of the animals first and then a video. In this way if the animal starts to move off you have already gotten your still photo and a video camera will still pick up on the movement.
Even though you may be in a safe safari lodge or camp, be sure to follow the rules. Do not walk off the paths even to get better pictures. There could be scorpions or snakes in the grass. Do not for one minute believe that a one or two strand wire fence will keep you safe from wildlife. An elephant could be through the wire in two seconds and kill you. Always be aware of what is around you.
While on game drives, please be sure that your plastic bags or bottles don't leave the vehicle until you return to camp and dispose of them properly. Plastics can and have killed wildlife.
If you can give us more information about when you'll be going and where in Kenya you plan to safari, perhaps we might give you more detailed information. If you have further questions please just ask - we'd be only too glad to help.
Most people go to Kenya thinking it will be a "once in a lifetime" trip. However, there are so many of us who fell in love with Kenya that we now consider it our second home. You will absolutely love it.

Ciao and welcome to Bushdrums.
I guess Jan has kindly covered a large paert of your request but as Carsten mentioned - if you let us knbow what you will be doing, we can expand on what you may require!
Thank you for registering - and enjoy Bushdrums.

Which country are you from? Depending on your country of origin, you may need a to enter Kenya. Make sure you have a passport. Although immunization is not mandatory, take precautions and take some malaria tablets. Kenya has a tropical climate so pack medium to light clothing.
- Edited by Carsten on 17.01.2009, 11:19 -

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Win one of ten Rough Guides to Kenya and “Answer the call of the wild” at Crazy About Kenya. The .com website is alive and kicking so once you’ve completed the form you can chill with the positive beat of Africa’s wildlife capital – a host of talented musicians, including Eric Wainaina showcasing their tracks and their love of Kenya…
Crazy About Kenya is a hip and happening website for people who want to get an insider perspective on the destination. You can chill to jazz, hip-hop, reggae and soul fusion on the websites duke box – a group of talented Kenyan musicians bringing the destination to life…
Check out Asante by Mike Kwambo, an up and coming artist and partner in the Crazy About Kenya campaign. Wanna’ get with the vibe of Africa’s wildlife capital? Catch up with us at crazyaboutkenya.com and get an insider view on the destination of Kenya…