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The most dangerous animal in Africa???

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The most dangerous animal in Africa???

Link to this post 12 Nov 08

Statistics show that the Hippo kills the most people in Africa every year exception for the mosquito.
I don't believe that these statistics are very accurate as the Crocodile also takes many lives every year.
The Hippo is 99.99% a herbivore so after killing a person they just leave the body and go back into the water.

A Crocodile will normally eat whatever it kills. Here's an example: David goes down to the river to do some washing and in the process gets killed by a Hippo. The evidence is very clear that a Hippo killed him, so another death is marked off for that year.
David goes down to river to do some washing in doing so gets killed and eaten by a Crocodile. No one saw what happened, all they know is that he is missing.
So it is impossible to say who kills more people, it could be either Hippo or Crocodile, I think it’s the Crocodile.


Link to this post 12 Nov 08

Welcome Safari Stories & thanks for the head up on this long debate which will never reach a conclusion, your slant on the crocodile proves this.
Your fact files on your blogspot are very,very welcome. Excellent!

Link to this post 14 Nov 08

Hello and welcome to Bushdrums!!

Interesting topic and great information, thank you.

There is, however, one aspect that should not be underestimated. Hippos leave the water during the night to feed on grass and other greens. Despite their size, in the dark they are nearly invisible. I once nearly bumped into a hippo on the lawn of a hotel as I was on my way to the dining hall. I was heading straight for it until I heard a deep grunt. By now I was only about 3 meters away from it. Scared the sh** out of me, but luckily we were both keen on our dinner only

Crocodiles tend to stay much closer to the water, so there is a smaller chance of running into them.

Locals scarcely go alone to / into the water, at least from what I have seen. Hence, I would assume, there are witnesses most of the time.

Link to this post 17 Nov 08

Welcome to Bushdrums and thank you for your imput. I hope you enjoy this site.

I was watching the migration in the Mara several year ago next to a team of BBC filmers; one of the clever camera men walked too close to the river and a Hippo rushed out of the river straight for him. He dropped his camera and ran for the jeep. I think he dropped more than his camera....
However they then told me how territorial Hippos are.

Link to this post 29 Nov 08

without reading all posts:
i guess you are all W R O N G !

it's humans! and not limited to africa!

i just witnessed it in zambia and zimbabwe! these experiences proof my case: humans are the by far worst!


welcome safari! i am visiting your blog soon - means around Xmas because there are 2 more travels in the pipeline.
but i'll come back and deliover a feedback! for sure!


You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics The most dangerous animal in Africa???