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hunting down namibian desert elephants...

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hunting down namibian desert elephants...

Link to this post 20 Aug 08

Hope you had a good trip Jan, I think each NGO guards its funding very closely.
After all it is only a small pot to divide amongst them all & all would love more funds.

Link to this post 20 Aug 08

It's a shame! Pippa, I agree with you! Where did you get that information? Can you recommend any article or links?

I've recently come back from a 6 week trip from Namibia and one of the most impressive experiences of my journey was definitely a visit to the desert elephants in Kaokoland. Beautiful creatures in a stunning and completely desolate area! I've added a few pics to the bushdrum's gallery.

Some wildlife organizations demand to put the whole Kaokoland area, where the desert elephants and lots of other wildlife (lions, rhinos, antelopes,...) live, under protection. The Masai Mara could be a role model as there are nomadic Himba tribes living in that area, who could coexist with the endemic game. But sadly the Namibian government doesn't support this idea. The Himbas are still looked upon as primitives and instead the government thinks of building a dam project which would destroy the impressive Epupa Falls. Some locals told me that there was oil discovered in Kaokoveld, which would explain that there are plans to tarmac the road into the area... bad future prospects!

On the positive side the region is still very, very sparsely populated (probably the main reason why the elephants managed to survive). Tourism is still in the children's shoes (no comparison to other Namibian areas!) and there are communities who offer trips to the elephants and start to profit from the local wildlife. Once again tourism seems to be the only chance of survival for these gentle giants! Ironically...

Link to this post 20 Aug 08

[URL=]Tobi look here[/URL]

I am led to believe that the killing has already started......But.....I'm unsure where that information came from.

Link to this post 21 Aug 08


I had a wonderful trip, thanks very much.

I think each NGO guards its funding very closely. After all it is only a small pot to divide amongst them all & all would love more funds.

I agree completely. However, it isn't only funding they are guarding. It is complete differences in opinions as to what they believe in - some believe in collaring, others don't - some believe in saving an orphan - others feel let nature take its course.

If they could all just start working together and find the things they do agree on, a real difference might be made.

Link to this post 21 Aug 08

Original von Tobi
It's a shame! Pippa, I agree with you! Where did you get that information? Can you recommend any article or links?

Dear Tobi,
I read the story initially from But from there it was taken up by media in the UK and elsewhere. You can just google: "trophy hunting Namibian desert elephants" and find links. Good luck.
Regards, Kat

Link to this post 21 Aug 08

Kipper and kat:

thanks for the links!!! Even if reading is so frustrating...

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