Thanks Kipper - went on line to look for the plant as well. Beginning to get used big time.
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Am I missing something here folks?

What are some of the trees you found to grow 30 - 50 feet in three years (and that would produce hard enough wood to use as timber)? That is astronomical growth!
We don't have anything like that here in our area, but I'm sure somewhere in the world there may be such trees. Would love to learn what they are.

Original von Jan
What are some of the trees you found to grow 30 - 50 feet in three years (and that would produce hard enough wood to use as timber)? That is astronomical growth!
We don\'t have anything like that here in our area, but I\'m sure somewhere in the world there may be such trees. Would love to learn what they are.
[URL=]Look Here for fast growing trees[/URL]

Thanks again Kipper. I hadn't considered any of those because they are considered mostly landscaping trees (decorative use). They do have height but not much trunk width for planing boards or timber..
Appreciate your pointing them out.

My understanding of this is that they are not looking to harvest the trees for lumber.
If you have a fast growing tree that is able to produce fire wood quickly it is then a resource to protect native tree allowed to grow unmolested & cropped for lumber.
Jatropha is to be grown for its seed for biofuel.
As a matter of interest the further North that a softwood tree grows the better quality its timber. I assume the same can be said of the South.

Thanks for the explanation Kipper.
I was focusing more on:
Already, the company is promising the farmers a ready market for the timber from the farms.
“The company will be the market for the timber products. We will buy from the farmers for resale locally and abroad,” said Ms Hartog..
I stand corrected.