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Malaria Hot Spots

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Malaria Hot Spots

Link to this post 12 Jan 10

As you mention "mosquito nets":
You read that on almost every webpage (camps in Kenya, TAZ, BOT etc) but most of them don't provide netting because they insist their tents are "100 % insect proof".

Never heard of such a thing before

Isn't it part of the hosting camp to provide anything possible for guests in order to not being bitten?

We again will carry our own and finally re-arrange furniture in order to hang it

Link to this post 13 Jan 10

100 insect proof - yah sure....
Take your own to be safe...

Link to this post 04 Feb 10

I'm concerned about this issue when we go to Kenya in July. I took larium when we went to Tanzania but on returning home and pretty severe head problems. I could not marshall my thoughts, focus, etc. It was really quite scary. The DR. put me on another medicine to counteract the problems but that took several weeks to completely take effect. So...I need to take some else this time but I read the side affects of the alternative can be the same. I was thinking about not taking anything but having read kat's post, that isn't an option.

I'll be going back to the same travel med. dr. before leaving and hope he'll have a good alternative.

Link to this post 05 Feb 10

Jane: If you or your doctor think the problems you had upon return from Tanzania were a result from Lariam use, then I would seek an alternative. I suggest you talk to your doctor and look at the CDC (Center for Disease Control) website for malaria preventatives. There are alternatives like Malarone or the common antibiotic, Doxycycline. I've traveled without any malaria preventives in tropical areas - always wearing long-sleeved shirts, long-pants and using DEET and mosquito nets...and have had no problem.

Last year a friend of mine who has been living and working in Africa for 35 years was hospitalized with a very aggressive form of malaria. Her first bout of this disease in her life - so you never know. Of course most people who live and work in Africa don't take anything and hope they have built up some immunity.

Seek advice of a medical professional - a tropical disease expert if you can find one.

My only side-effect (to my knowledge) with Lariam has been vivid dreams. Not necessarily nightmares - just more detailed, colorful dreams, which I don't mind at all.

Link to this post 12 Feb 10

Ciao all -

I have had malaria several times and the best way to prevent this is - take and use all kind of prevention, body spray (a lot of natural ones are available), nets, cloths etc.
Lariam is an old malaria medicine - there are a lot better with no bad side effects.

Malarone is expensive - however lets be honest; we fly from Europe, or the USA etc and spend thousands on flights and accommodation, food etc - I HIGHLY recommend you do not budget for what is most important - your health. Pay that extra and live to go back to Africa again, even if the local health care does not pay for it.

IMPORTANT: When you come back - even after a few months and any of your party members that went to Africa does not feel well - GET CHECKED AND DO A BLOOD TEST - your local doctor cannot do this as most of them do not have any idea of what they are looking for. Hence make sure you know where the closest tropical institute is.