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Veterinary report for Kenya wildlife

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Veterinary report for Kenya wildlife

Link to this post 02 Mar 08

The Sheldrick Trust Veterinary report for February has just been updated:

Go to:

You can access the work of the veterinarian in Tsavo/Amboseli and also the veterinarian in the Mara/Rift Valley to see how they are making a difference for wildlife in their areas.

Link to this post 03 Mar 08

Absolutely horrible photos of injured animals... amazing how humans let such wonderful animals suffer! No words.

Link to this post 03 Mar 08

Kinda makes me very mad....even

Link to this post 04 Mar 08

The wounds caused by the locals with spears and snares are indeed horrible.

However, we can thank God these veterinary teams are in place. They truly do a heroic job. I've been present several times when they were treating speared or snared elephants, and they are truly a caring group.

It is because of the work these men do that I now feel some wildlife groups need to take a second look at their policies. Many groups in the past decided that if injuries were caused by humans, they would get help for an animal, but natural injuries or illness they would leave alone. This probably made great sense years ago when veterinary help just wasn't available.

However, I know of a case in which a baby elephant was being ignored by its mother who wasn't nursing it and was attempting to feed on grass on its own away from the family. Because the family was in the near vicinity, nothing was done to save this baby, and she died alone almost three weeks after spotted. Admittedly had she been rescued she might have died anyway, but at least she would have died with other caring elephants surrounding her and people who loved her rather than suffering and dying alone three weeks later.

I know not every animal can be saved, but it is certainly wonderful knowing that these people care enough to try.

Link to this post 05 Mar 08

Good point - however could this could cause amongst some of the animal kindom problems as the weaker die and get eaten by the stronger ones in Nature. Of course this is not the same with Rhinos and Elephants but with most animals this is the case. What do you think?

Link to this post 06 Mar 08


I think you have a very legitimate point with some species. I think what you are thinking of is more the large herd type animals such as gazelle, impala, wildebeest, zebra. For these species I would agree with you entirely. It is the weakest that usually fall prey to the predators, i.e. survival of the fittest.

However, what I am thinking more of is elephants, rhinos, giraffe and even the big cats. There is a decided reduction in numbers of some of these species (although KWS reports a 4% increase in elephants in Tsavo). Topi and hirola are two other species which should be saved at all cost - there are just so few of them left in Kenya.

There has been a marked decline in grevy zebra in the Samburu area. My friend Shivani, the lion researcher, is now collecting lion dung, drying it out, and then going through it with a fine toothed comb to try to determine if the lions are indeed killing the grevy. With so few grevy in Samburu, if one is found injured one would think it only fair that in order to help preserve the species veterinary help would be available.

It can also have a positive effect on the communities. The Sheldrick Trust just rescued an 8 month old baby elephant last week near Mt. Kenya that they have named Kenia. It was a Mt. Kenya farmer who reported and called for assistance. In the past the people of the area had just killed the animals. He had read and knew of the work the Trust does, so rather than killing the baby he got help for her. With more animals being saved and the word getting out, perhaps the people will come to look differently at the wildlife they live with. One can only hope.

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Veterinary report for Kenya wildlife