Pippa if it's raining Carstens tan might wash off!
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Anger at Kenya donkey nappy plan

That would be hard -
He is ridding over to Tuscany on Thursday - and has already told me that he will be relaxing by the pool the whole day on Friday before he heads back to Greece on Saturday.
We need to eat and drink to survive - he needs the daily dose of 8 hours sun - .....!!!

Original von Nico
That would be hard -
He is ridding over to Tuscany on Thursday - and has already told me that he will be relaxing by the pool the whole day on Friday before he heads back to Greece on Saturday.
We need to eat and drink to survive - he needs the daily dose of 8 hours sun - .....!!!
nico, you have to pamper these poor guys - carsten and katerina!
they drove more than 300ks yesterday while it was raining cats and dogs, arrived around 04.30pm, we ate and loughed a lot until 05.00am (!!) emptying several bottles of wine, some grappa, G+T, champagne. we had lunch today at 01.00pm - no alcohol at all!, some really strong espressi and then regrettably they had to leave at 04.00pm driving back these 300ks.
they have arrived safely!
we had a great time and the outlook for a bushdrum meeting next year is fantastic!
we are going to have a fabulous time - you'll see
please give our regards to C+K!
have a great time!

Pippa - you have been done by Carsten.... that is him....
He will demolish your kitchen, food stocks and lets not talk about the alcohol level in him. That is why he cannot get malaria; the mosquitos just drop off within 1 cm range.
It is good he had to ride in the rain for a change..... I feel very sorry for Katerina and she is an angel and would not wish any harm or her being cold... but a good big smile on my face with Herr Schmidt... ahahaha....
Sorry - but we have always had these great - taking the mickey out of each other.
When Carsten used to fall off his bike in Kenya (a daily situation...); it was always a pleasure to clean his wounds up for him. That is what friends are for... as it was Africa, the wounds could get infected so I had to use the strongest, purest spirits and / or alcohol or iodine.... unfortunately for the person who was hurt it used to inflict a lovely buring sensation as the pure alcohol cleaned the wound... but hey.. the job was done well. ahahaha - until it was my turn and then it was Carsten with the lovely smile on his face!!
I am very happy to hear you had a good time together and I look forward to our meeting with more of us as Kipper suggested.

and we thought your motorbike just accidentely fell down
drive safely on wednesday!
warmest regards to all of you!
kai and irma, angel, carinjo and amor

Pippa - he is here now busy polishing off my wine cellar.... from what I hear it could be dangerous to have you over at the same time as Herr Carsten & Co....?
I wonder how Kipper manages with his Vino - and if he believes the legend "a glass a day keeps the old Daktari away..." or is it more a bottle or 4 a day......