If anyone reading the forum is preparing for a trip soon to Kenya, BE SURE TO TAKE YOUR ANTIMALARIAL! I've just heard from Tsavo of one lady who didn't wear long pants to dinner and was bitten on the legs 150 - 200 times. The mosquitoes are far more prolific than ever with the heavy rains since November, and since mosquitoes can also spread other diseases it is best to use precautions.
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Antimalarial Drugs and Malaria Prophylaxis

Malarone is okay. Herbie mentioned some new Chinese Herbal drug but never used it.
Actually I never use any anti malaria but have some just in case.
Prevension is the best - get that cream on; legs and hands covered; tips of the ears and under the feet when going to bed.
Mosy net over and vapour mats out......
When I went on Safari with Carsten - it was quite easy; all we did was hang Carsten socks up and we would sleep safely, no mosquitos, no elephants, lions, etc etc ahahaha - just kidding!!!

bushcamps don't get tired by convincing the clients that they provide "insectproof tents" !!! don't believe them! there is no such a thing available - it's rubbish! in order to be on the safe side: take your own travel mosquito net!!! it's light weighted, relatively cheap and comes with all sorts of hooks etc. but get some extra rope and a large fixing needle/pin in order to have some more "spare parts" to get that thing hanging and you will be fine! other guests who are not that prepared will be jealous - for sure!

You guys are a HOOT!! You should work up a night club act!
Nico - thanks for mentioning the bottom of the feet. I would never have thought of that.
What are vapor mats? Are they the incense-type smoky things? I've heard of them but never seen them. Are they safe to leave burning while you are sleeping or could they start a fire?
Pippa: the manager already has a net for me and I expect he'll have it installed by the time I arrive (hope so).
Maybe I should borrow some of the boys sweat socks and hang them around the outside of the tent and then I won't have to worry about nyoka! :T

Those incense-type smoky things are efficiant and safe, but they are supposed to cause cancer. Hence you don't find them all too much in Europe anymore (apart from Greece, here you still get all kinds of `hard-core´stuff). I guess, as long as you use them outside only, you should be fine.
Some repellant like Autan on your hands, feet and knees is important at night. Note that you might touch the mosy-net in your sleep and then they can bite you through it.
I never use malaria prophylaxis either. It is a killer for your liver and kidneys. Prefer to take some with me in case I get it.
If you suddenly get feever out of the blue and it goes away by itself 1-2 hours later, you know what you got and then is the time to take medicine. You won't suffer more than from any other viral infect for about 3 days if you react fast. For me, this is a risk I can take.
If you travel with a good friend like Nico, you can also wait until he falls asleep and then remove his mosy-net so they all go to him and leave you alone

Vapour Mats are those tablets that you stick into like an electric heated plate. they work well - only at times lodges switch off the power after a certain time but the small lasts.
The coils do work and are not dangerous - they just stink.... Cancerous; what is not cancerous and dangerous now?