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Kenyans Denied Entrance to Masai Mara

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Kenyans Denied Entrance to Masai Mara

Link to this post 15 Apr 07

The Nation - Letters - 4-14-07

A group of more than 50 Kenyans was denied entry into the Maasai Mara game reserve through Musiara Gate during the Easter holidays because of ignorance and corruption by the rangers or guards, one of them claims. The snub, he says, was all the more hurting because the fee displayed on the board clearly states that Kenyans pay Sh200 and residents Sh1,000, but the officials insisted that the citizens cough up Sh1,000 and, when they would not budge, they turned them back. “It’s sad such people discourage fellow Kenyans from visiting attractive sights in their own country,” he moans.

Link to this post 15 Apr 07

We can preach eco tourism as much as we like, but unless the people of the countries we visit are allowed to see, wonder & grow to love their heritage & see us, the tourist, with the animals & the parks as a key to a better future. Then I\'m afraid all is lost in my opinion.
The rural poacher needs the city buyer who needs the overseas demand.
Education is needed all the way down the chain.

Link to this post 15 Apr 07

very well said, Kipper.

Link to this post 15 Apr 07

i think it's essential that citizens see their natural heritage for little money in order to appreciate it! without such a kind of education we won't reach any awareness on animal's welfare!

i think they should be tracked down and warned: one more time and you're out/fired!

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