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Loaded a few safari pictures

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Loaded a few safari pictures

Link to this post 26 Feb 07

If anyone wishes to look at safari pictures from January/February Kenya safari they can be viewed at:

You will need to register with your email address and password, but it is free.

I put a lot of aerial pictures for Nico. I was totally surprised to see as many hills, mountains, craters, etc flying between Amboseli and Tsavo East.

I tried emailing Nico and Pippa a separate invitation by they don't let me send to an info@ address or Pippa's business email. Sorry folks.

Remember, I am not a photographer. I just take pictures of things I like and that move me.

Enjoy dreaming.

Link to this post 26 Feb 07

if you wish, you can also upload them onto our photo gallery on bushdrums.
Let me know if you want to do so and I will create you your own album.

Link to this post 26 Feb 07

I am such a slow connection here however should soon have a private satelite set up on the roof of my office which will allow me to get a super fast connetion.
Living in the Tuscan Bush - has its most spectacular advantages for beauty but is 50 years backward with modern tech as Carsten will confirm.
I look forward seeing them when I am in one of my shops in Montepulciano on a fast connection.

Link to this post 26 Feb 07

Thanks Jan. Wonderful green Amboseli pictures with your elephant friends and Kilimanjaro. I loved the “beach play” and the aerial pictures. Amazing to see a flowering Tsavo. Didn’t you see your big-tusked friend there?

Link to this post 26 Feb 07

Original von Jan
If anyone wishes to look at safari pictures from January/February Kenya safari they can be viewed at:

You will need to register with your email address and password, but it is free.

I put a lot of aerial pictures for Nico. I was totally surprised to see as many hills, mountains, craters, etc flying between Amboseli and Tsavo East.

I tried emailing Nico and Pippa a separate invitation by they don't let me send to an info@ address or Pippa's business email. Sorry folks.

Remember, I am not a photographer. I just take pictures of things I like and that move me.

Enjoy dreaming.

wonderful pictures jan! i especially love the view from your tent to kilimanjaro!
that view is unbelieveable!
thanks for sharing with us!
and whenever you have something for me: just go to the website and make use of the contact form or send a pm!
warmest regards

Link to this post 27 Feb 07

Thanks folks. Glad you enjoyed the pictures.

Nyamera: No, unfortunately I didn't see my favorite bull. He is currently out and about in the park at this time and hasn't been seen for awhile. Hopefully he will be back at camp in the near future.

Yes, it was so wonderful seeing everything so green - great for the people and wildlife alike

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Internal Loaded a few safari pictures