Through all your safaris - have any of you ever come across the legendary Black Leopard? Pippa? Jan? Bwanamich, you practically live in the bush - ever seen one in Kenya or Tanzania or where ever you have been?
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Black Leopard

Although its been a long, long time ago, I distinctly remember seeing a very "dark" (They are not really black although referred to that way) leopard skirt across the road between Tsavo and Taita. We were driving along a couple 100 yards away. That is all we saw as it dissapeared inot the scrub by the time we were alongside of where it crossed. I've heard a few accounts of sightings in Tz around Manyara and Western tanzania. Black servals' seem to be more commonly seen.

neither dark leopard nor black serval seen - didn't even know that black servals exist!
two more reasons to go on safari
i am just imagining placing that order! when you meet your guide in the morning and he asks "what would you like to see"? i'll order one of these.......they always get a nervous breakdown when you repeat "a leopard please, followed by a bat-eared fox ..." but can you imagine you order are black leopard or serval! okay the serval we postpone for the evening drive

keep the camera ready when you place the order. Not only for the Serval, but also the face of the driver :-O

If I start my search, how often a black serval can be seen in Kenya, I get this posting!
3 weeks agao I get my first \\\\\\\\\\\\\\"black serval\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" in Kenya, we spend around 10 minutes with him, it was next to the lion rock hill in Taita Hills game senctuary at the border to Lumo game senctuary.
It was not just to view him, we even get some picture!