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leave your jacket at home and save energy

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leave your jacket at home and save energy

Link to this post 20 Jan 07

Leave your jacket at home and save energy...

January 19 2007 at 12:09AM

Santiago - Chile's energy warriors went for the throat on Thursday, urging men to shun neckties so that offices could ease up on air conditioning.

Chilean officials have given instructions that government workers will not be required to wear ties or jackets and they hope hoping the private sector will follow suit, Deputy Economy Minister
Ana Maria Correa told a news conference.

Chile is a socially conservative country where men typically dress formally for work.

According to the government, 215 000 air conditioners have been imported since 1997, and during the Southern Hemisphere summer from December to March, they may account for up to 60 percent of electricity consumption at workplaces.

The no-tie, no-jacket plan was the idea of the government's Commission for Energy Efficiency.

"We recommend all male workers drop their ties and jackets," the group's director, Nicola Borregaard said. "We hope all sectors will follow this recommendation so it will become a national habit."

The country's main private business organisation, the Industrial Development Society, joined the initiative, which according to its president, Bruno Phillippi, has proved successful in other places, including Japan.

"In 2005 instructions on proper dressing and adequate use of air conditioners during summer in Japan resulted in considerable reduction of power consumption and of CO2 emissions," he said.

That said, Phillippi removed the tie he was wearing. - Sapa-AP

Link to this post 20 Jan 07

Something they should introduce in Greece, too. Here every summer the power suppliers have major problems and it comes to regular power shortage because of the thousands of airconditions running.

I never understood why an employee needs to wear a jacket in the summer. There is absolutely no logical explanation for me. Especially if the woman next to them are walking around semi-naked and are being considered "chique" when doing so.

Link to this post 20 Jan 07

Original von Carsten
Something they should introduce in Greece, too. Here every summer the power suppliers have major problems and it comes to regular power shortage because of the thousands of airconditions running.

I never understood why an employee needs to wear a jacket in the summer. There is absolutely no logical explanation for me. Especially if the woman next to them are walking around semi-naked and are being considered "chique" when doing so.

carsten, i couldn't agree more!
in germany office staff wear leisure only on friday but during peak heat which we experienced last june and july they are allowed to take off their jackets and ties!
privat homes don't have aircons in germany very often. even mid-sized companies don't provide aircon devices.
so aircon is not so common in germany. hopefully it stays that way!
but based on the global warming and in case we face more often such heat periods like the very long and outstanding summers 2006 and 2003 aircon might become more common.
but many private buildings from the 20es and 30es of last century have very thick brick walls which keel the coolness in summer and keep cold out in winter which is wonderful! our house has brick walls of almost 40 cm thickness and we appreciate it especially druing heat waves!

Link to this post 20 Jan 07

Here in Greece nearly every private house has an aircondition, many of them even 2 or 3. Each one consumes about 4 Kilowatts per hour
Athens has about 4.5 million residents, that makes..... ...

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