I agree, and I wonder how much income the Elephant Tourism Association gets from anti-conservationsts and money greedy people like Mr. Allen Roberts!
When you look at the Shearwater website they do everything including helicopter rides, bunji jumping, etc so you know he must be making money hands over fists so it is hard to understand that he feels the need to capture elephants and do elephant rides also.
I caught the tail end of program last night "Hunter and Hunted" that you would have like. Several instances of "big white hunters" on foot stalking buffalo and in both parties the parties were charged. One man was killed and a woman hunter in another party seriously injured. It was good to see the tables turned for once.
Per Greg Vogt's letter "A perfectly wild elephant joined there elephants a number of years ago. It chose to do this at it's free will." Can you just see a wild elephant walking up to someone and saying I want someone to ride me????? Yes, it might have wandered up to the "slave" elephants to sniff them out, but no elephant would willingly want humans to touch it and ride on it. Mr. Vogt apparently has already been brain-
washed. This whole thing is infuriating. Yes, they cannot return the elephants to their families because they don't know where they are and at the age of 5 - 10 they are not mature enough to let out on their own. But at the very least this man should do serious time for what he has illegally done so that other people won't try to get away with the same despicable thing.