I will be heading for Kenya on Sunday to enjoy the wildlife of Tsavo East for several weeks. If anyone sees an interesting wildlife article in newspapers or on computer in my absence please post the title and URL link under wildlife forum so all other Bushdrummers can learn about it. Many thanks.
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Heading for Kenya!

Thank you Simba. I hope I'll have more wildlife sightings than in February after it rained on my third day there. I heard from the guys in camp yesterday that on Friday there were many elephants at the waterhole and lions were roaring all around camp that night. Thus unless it rains again, it should be good game viewing.
Hope you all have a good couple of weeks and that Kipper arrives home safely.
I'll be back and posting news again on August 19th.

Hi Everyone I am still alive ha ha. Just got back from Kenya Thanks Jan for a wonderful room. The elephants are great. It was so funny the people at the lodge kept asking my driver about me and how he got to drive a VIP around ha ha. they could not believe i was staying for 4 nights. They all thought i was very rich. Got a great picture of kilimanjaro with the elephants crossing in front. took cheyenne to the maasai village close to the lodge the kids are hungry and sad. I am emailing anyone i think might care and tell them people need to take food instead of the 20.00 to visit the village. the men just waste it on themselves. I saw an africa civet and a geranuk (don't know how to spell it) I call it the long neck antelope. saw the big 5 in masai mara. had two medical clinics saw around 100 children. The somalias are moving in namanga area they even bring camels with them.. they are building nice homes there. My driver told me not to take pitures he said the somalias are crazy people. It was so so dry. No rain in a year was what i was told. Just dust dust and more dust. We had one elephant shake his head at us make his trumpet noise he was not happy. my granddaughter was afraid of elephants after that ha ha. the elephant was just having a bad day. got to see two mara river crossings by the wildebeest i was so happy. hope everyone is doing well. take care joyce

Hi Joyce:
So very glad you had a fantastic trip. I knew you would love Ol Tukai - it is a very beautiful
and special place - better wildlife views than the Serena or Tortillis. Sounds as though you were extremely busy the whole time you were in Kenya.
You are so right about the men in the area. The women are physically building their homes, walking up to 5 miles a day for water, caring for the shamba/garden, taking care of the kids, cooking, etc. and the men sit on their butts and talk all day and even have the nerve to send their young sons and daughters (age 7 - 10) out in the bush with the cattle, leaving the men more time to do nothing! I just can't wrap my mind around sending a 7 year old in the bush where they can be eaten by lions or killed by elephants, buffalo, hippo, etc. Not having the same mentality as a Kenyan, I can't understand why the women put up with these men. The Kenyan women are the ones who have been keeping the country going for years by having to be so responsible with what little they have. They would make better government officials than the ones in power! But you and I both know that will never happen.
Glad you are home safe and sound. Can't wait to see some pictures.