Thank you Chris for further information and the link to “All Smoke and Mirrors†at It is an eye-opener and everyone should read and understand it.
“The lions are not 'in the wild' merely in a larger fenced enclosure with a few unfortunate goats or springbok or other 'cheap' animals for them to kill at will. No escape for them from the lions in an enclosure of a few hundred hectares. Canned hunting by proxy, really.â€
I hadn’t realized they would be released to just a larger “pen†instead of a cage. I had thought they would actually be freed to a large reserve or park.
“We know of one lion farmer in Limpopo province, who decided that meat
was too expensive so he put his lions onto a diet of processed pellets, like dog
food. The lions' hair fell out and 93 of them died. He was not prosecuted.â€
This is truly infuriating. He should have at the very least lost his license to operate a “lion farm†and be forbidden for ever dealing with wildlife or livestock again (along with a humungous fine – large enough to bankrupt him).
“Sport hunting will never be banned in South Africa.â€
Well, if a few more videos like one I saw not too long ago of hunters having to shoot over 20 shots into a lion before killing it get out on the internet, it will certainly help to show the barbarity of hunting. Sadly I found myself hoping the lion would be able to kill several of the men before being killed itself.
“What the public should know is that the IUCN is a pro hunting organizationâ€
Just like we need to remember that CITES is a pro-trade organization and not one that cares about wildlife. Most people don’t understand this and think
it is on the behalf of wildlife.
" Hunting is not to blame for the decline in lion numbers in Africa."
BULL! Whether it be from trophy hunters or from the indigenous people hunting and poisoning lions, it is hunting nonetheless. If all that were stopped, the lion
populations would slowly increase instead of declining to extremely low numbers.
"it would know that there is no such thing as a problem animal; there are only problem people. Poor management in farming causes stock losses to predators."
Agree 100%. I’ve seen the puny bomas the Maasai put around their cattle,
goat and homes and any animal could get through them. Then when a carnivore eats several of the cattle or goats the cat gets killed!
"Trophy Hunting ‘generates benefits for poor people to build their
support for lion conservation.’"
Hahaha. We all know that very little of the money received from the hunters goes to support the indigenous people. It all goes into the farm owner’s pockets less a little he pays to bribe officials.
"The solution is surely to assist African governments to improve their land use and management - not to hand over the remaining wilderness areas and wildlife to the tender mercies of the hunting industry."
This is a problem all over Africa, whether there is hunting or not. However, had there been land use policies since Independence, there would still be wildlife corridors available to the wildlife. Instead they are all gone now with more and more shrinking space for wildlife, and thus more and more human-
wildlife conflict.
Chris, you and Bev have been fighting against canned hunting for many years. At times you must feel like bashing your head against the wall because it seems no-one is listening. However, please know that there are many of us who truly do care. We need to understand what is going on, and you have really helped enlighten us. We appreciate this so much. However, we do need guidance from people like you as to what we can do to put pressure on the South African government to help change their thinking, as well as IUCN and other organizations. It must seem hopeless at times.
I hope you will feel free to continue to update us with what is going on and give us links when you post a new update on your website, etc. There are many of us who care deeply but just don’t know where to go or what to do to make our voices heard. Bushdrums, like Facebook, would be only too happy to help you get the word out