Kipper, her eyes are like that because they have been terribly infected by flies and are covered with a white film. It is really very sad as many of the children we saw were infected the same way.
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Jane: I'm surprised the mother would let you hold the baby. Many of those, at least in Kenya, think us mzungus are trying to kidnap their kids and are very suspicious of all of us. Glad you had such a great

Jan, we were with an African man who had been a member of a close tribe andwho grew up in the Rift Valley. His family still lived there as he did for part of the year He spoke the languages of both the Datoga and the Hadza so we were not suspect.

I left the Simba to Simba as I guess he needs to feel like a lion; he acts as one by bathing in the sun the whole day on the beach with a cigar stuck in his mouth but anyway....
For the record - The Avatar of Jane is what simply Jane is all about. Always full of thoughts and willing to help other people have a better life. I cannot mean this more for anyone I have met as her stories and how she has helped people is very special. I have got to know Jane over the years in Italy and in the USA - the Avatar fits her just well.
My Avatar - one of those special moments when I was out in the bush sitting on the roof of the 4X4 relaxing when Mama Cheetah came out, jumped onto the front, then onto the roof where I was sitting and looked me in the eyes. I slowly picked up my camera which was next to me, took some shots and she tilted her head (must have throught - this crazy mzungu..) - jumped of the 4x4 and was gone. Great moment and memory.

My avatar is a picture I took in Tanzania\'s Katavi NP where I had one of my first and best safari experiences. Very remote, seldom visited and packed with hippos... Furthermore I liked the idea of having a loudmouth (the German expression is "Grossmaul") as avatar