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Excerpt of Dame Daphne Sheldrick's Orphan Update

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Excerpt of Dame Daphne Sheldrick's Orphan Update

Link to this post 17 Mar 10

The following is excerpted from Dame Daphne Sheldrick's update on the orphans groups.
Below is an amazing story which again shows how aware and caring elephants are:

"What made the death of Naimina and Enasoit even more poignantly tragic was the
arrival of Yatta, Wendi, and all their satellites now living almost wild normal
elephant lives, who came to the Stockades together as a herd, and stood quietly
crowded around the Gate to Enasoit’s stockade, rumbling to him as he lay dying.
Using that mysterious elephant perception which defies human logic, and which we
have witnessed so often amongst our elephant orphans, somehow they knew what was
unfolding involving their smallest and much loved newest baby. Meanwhile the
Keeper Dependent group had been removed from the scene to shield them, but once
the ex orphans had established to their satisfaction that Enasoit had, in fact,
departed this life, they went to join the Youngsters, paying special attention
to Meibai, the sole survivor of the latest trio moved from the Nairobi Nursery.
No doubt, having lost his two Nursery companions, he needed consoling, and this
the ex orphans did in a very touching and demonstrative way, spending the next
several days with him and the other Youngsters, feeding close to him throughout
the day, laying trunks lovingly across his back, sharing the noon mudbath with
the Youngsters, escorting them back to their Night Stockades in the evening, and
being there for them again the following day. To ready more about the tragedy
at Ithumba please click this link. "
- Edited by Jan on 17.03.2010, 15:39 -

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Excerpt of Dame Daphne Sheldrick's Orphan Update