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Fishing and diving hyena video

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Fishing and diving hyena video

Link to this post 30 Aug 09

While on a game drive in Amboseli the beginning of August we spotted a hyena that appeared to be fishing. He would look below the surface of the water, and then dive completely under. He did this again and again.

I know hyenas sometimes cache food in the water to use during lean times, but there were so many new deaths, and thus carcasses, in Ambo that the hyenas weren't even bothing to open them and eat. Thus there was no shortage of food.

When I told people living in Amboseli about the fishing hyena they had never heard of hyenas doing such a thing and found it almost unbelievable.

Hope you enjoy the video.
- Edited by Jan on 31.08.2009, 04:49 -

Link to this post 30 Aug 09

Excellent Jan I love to watch interesting behavior..... & Honest I Believe you "It WAS The Land Rover engine that made it "Jitter"

Link to this post 31 Aug 09

Glad you enjoyed it Kipper.

Since I am a non-drinker, I know it wasn't your gin and tonics that caused the jitters The driver eventually shut off the engine and the jitters disappeared.

It was an interesting sighting though. No-one in Ambo had ever seen such behavior.

Link to this post 31 Aug 09

Jan - Fascinating video. You were definitely in the right place at the right time with the right camera.

However, I believe the only successful fishing done in Amboseli swamps is by herons, storks, and African fish eagles, et al. Fish and frogs are just not on Spotted Hyena menus and their dog-like paws would not help them "fish" and catching a fish by mouth would be extremely difficult if you're not a Kingfisher, Heron, or Eagle.

My theory is that this juvenile male hyena got a juicy piece of a fresh kill, say a leg of an antelope, stashed it underwater as they often do....and then went back to find it after taking a nap. Often when they cache particularly savory pieces of meat underwater, another hyena is watching and then when they're napping - the second hyena takes the food. The hyena in the video looks very frustrated and he's diving in the same place over and over, because he knows he put the food in that spot and can also smell its presence.

There are definitely some "fishing" cats in the world, like Jaguars in the Americas and wildcats in Asia...but they fish from the banks of swamps and when they see a fish swipe at it with their big, fish-hook claws.

Link to this post 01 Sep 09


You could well be correct. But when we saw him over and over again looking down at the water and even batting the water several times with his paws, it seemed that he was indeed trying to catch something.

We'll never know one way or the other for sure. Thanks for your learned opinion though.

Link to this post 04 Sep 09

I enjoyed that clip tremendously. To me it seems a kind of enjoyment on the hyena's side.
I have never witnessed that and you can consider yourself quite lucky to got to the spot to observe it.Clearly here a video camera has its advantages over the still!

Love it!

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Fishing and diving hyena video