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More Conflict for Amboseli-Kimana Area Wildlife

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More Conflict for Amboseli-Kimana Area Wildlife

Link to this post 29 Apr 09

Illegal Quarry Devastates Communities and Wildlife Area
April 29, 2009

On Saturday, Chinese-owned Sinohydro Corporation Limited began detonating heavy explosives in a sensitive wildlife area to begin the excavation of an illegal rock quarry, effectively signaling the end of a key wildlife corridor and potential tourism revenue for local communities.

Sinohydro Corporation located the quarry and a staff camp within a critical wildlife corridor extending from Amboseli National Park to Kimana Sanctuary to Tsavo and Chyulu National Parks. This corridor is vital to the survival of Amboseli’s wildlife as well as tourism and income-generating enterprises benefitting the local communities.

Community members of Oloitoktok District, the African Wildlife Foundation, Amboseli Trust for Elephants, and other alarmed conservation groups are protesting the project, which is in direct violation of a Stop Order issued by the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) on Friday of last week.

The quarry, to be used for the Emali-Oloitoktok Road, falls within the 3,000 acre (1,214 hectares) community-owned Osupuko Conservancy, which was created by 50 landowners from the Kimana community via a lease agreement signed in October 2008 with AWF.

The staff camp is located on the east side of the road, directly adjacent to the Kimana Wildlife Sanctuary, a community sanctuary providing benefits to members of the Kimana Group Ranch. The camp is in direct violation of the 2007 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which states, “Contractor’s Camp shall… not be installed in the areas used as wildlife grazing areas or migratory corridors.”

“The quarry and camp will have a severe impact on the wildlife, natural surroundings, and livelihoods of people living in the area,” said Dr. Helen Gichohi, President of the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF). “By no means are we against the road development. However, Sinohydro can and should use an alternative site for the quarry and camp that is not in a wildlife corridor, and they should obey Kenya’s environmental laws.”

Disregarding the Stop Order issued by NEMA, Oloitoktok District Commissioner, Mr. David Ole Shege, authorized excavation to begin on April 25. Mr. Ole Shege brought police to the construction site to bar community protesters and wildlife scouts from the site as Sinohydro began the illegal work.

Currently, AWF, the Amboseli Trust for Elephants, the East African Wildlife Society, African Conservation Centre, Satao Elerai, Maasailand Preservation Trust, Ol Donyo Wuas, Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust, Campi ya Kanzi, and community members are seeking the Stop Order issued by NEMA to be obeyed.

“If action is not taken soon to stop the construction, it could cause irreversible damage to the region, and hurt the livelihoods of Kenyans who are starting to participate in wildlife-based enterprises,” said Dr. Harvey Croze of Amboseli Trust for Elephants.

African Wildlife Foundation and Amboseli Trust for Elephants are not-for-profit, conservation organizations that have provided wildlife management information and conservation leadership in the Amboseli ecosystem for decades. We and the other organizations listed above are convinced the proposed quarry and camp are harmful in the extreme to the wildlife and the human livelihoods of southern Kajiado.

Article at:

Link to this post 30 Apr 09

Once again, thank you Jan for posting this important and almost incredulous story.

A "STOP WORK ORDER" from NEMA, the agency responsible for enforcing environmental laws is being ignored by the Chinese construction company which is creating "irreversible"damage to one of Kenya's most sensitive wildlife environments?

Anyone have any suggestions as to how we might help?

Link to this post 01 May 09

I talked to a lion researcher in Kenya today and she promised to send me more inside info into the matter which I'll post thereafter. .. apparently there is also massive elephant poaching - directly involved... Now you would think they would automatically deport the chinese , no? Enough is enough.

Link to this post 01 May 09

It's in no way comprehendable!

When we travelled to the South Luangwa/Zambia we found a elephant: it's forehead was cut off and the tail was missing. A Chinese company (road maintenance) had it's camp in the vicinity.
Would it be a fool who thinks there is a connection?

Why do governments allow Chinese companies to distroy its people's wealth - animal wise as well as monetary wise? I guess too much bribes flowing directly into official's pockets!

Link to this post 12 May 09

Coalition Secures Temporary Stop to Illegal Quarry from Kenya High Court
May 06, 2009

In response to a suit filed by a coalition of conservation groups and tourism investors, the Kenya High Court ordered construction firm Sinohydro Corporation Ltd. to suspend excavation of an illegal quarry located within a critical wildlife corridor extending from Amboseli National Park to Kimana Sanctuary to Tsavo and Chyulu National Parks.

The African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), the Amboseli Trust for Elephants, East African Wildlife Society, Ol Donyo Wuas and other conservation groups and tourism operators joined with community members to oppose Sinohydro’s activities after the company ignored a Stop Order issued by Kenya’s National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) by filing for an injunction.

“This court order is only a temporary win in holding off this grave threat to lands that are vital to the survival of Amboseli’s wildlife as well as tourism and income-generating enterprises benefiting the local communities,” says Helen Gichohi, President of the African Wildlife Foundation. “We are calling for the company to permanently cease excavation and find a suitable site.”

The quarry, to be used for the Emali-Oloitoktok Road, falls within the 3,000 acre community-owned Osupuko Conservancy, which was created by 50 landowners from the Kimana community via a lease agreement signed in October 2008 with the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF). The quarry site was not identified in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); thus, a direct violation of the EIA.

The camp for Sinohydro workers is located directly adjacent to the Kimana Wildlife Sanctuary, a community sanctuary providing benefits to members of the Kimana Group Ranch. The camp is in direct violation of the 2007 EIA, which states, “Contractor’s Camp shall… not be installed in the areas used as wildlife grazing areas or migratory corridors.”

Violating Kenya law, Sinohydro on April 25 began detonating heavy explosives in the conservancy.

“We are writing to share our support of the NEMA Stop Order and ask that NEMA enforce the Stop Order and make the company cease activity immediately,” community members wrote in a memorandum issued April 29 to NEMA.

After Sinohydro ignored the NEMA Stop Order, the coalition took the matter to the Kenyan High Court. By court order, Sinohydro must leave the conservancy until the case is heard in late May.

“All we are asking is for Sinohydro to follow Kenya’s environmental laws,” said Harvey Croze, Trustee of Amboseli Trust for Elephants. “Sinohydro can find an alternative more suitable site that is not disruptive to the wildlife and corridor, and the road work can continue.”

Approximately 15 organizations and tourism operators have joined the coalition calling for Sinohydro to relocate the quarry and abandon the camp. They state that the activity is in violation of Kenyan law and will have a severe impact on the wildlife, the landscape and income generation.

African Wildlife Foundation and Amboseli Trust for Elephants are not-for-profit, conservation organizations that have provided wildlife management information and conservation leadership in the Amboseli ecosystem for decades.

Photos and Maps available upon request.

African Wildlife Foundation
In Kenya:
Kathleen H. Fitzgerald, (+254) 20-271-0367;
(+254) 0729406222 (mobile)

Elizabeth Miranda, (+1) 202-939-3324

Amboseli Trust for Elephants
Harvey Croze, (+254) 0722677711

Soila Sayialel, (+254) 722399491 (mobile)

Article at:

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