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Sheldrick Trust to Appear on CBS 60 Minutes Sunday, 4-26-09

You are here: Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Sheldrick Trust to Appear on CBS 60 Minutes Sunday, 4-26-09

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Sheldrick Trust to Appear on CBS 60 Minutes Sunday, 4-26-09

Link to this post 24 Apr 09

Date: April 24, 2009

To: Friends of The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in North America
From: U.S. Friends of The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

Re: Trust to Appear Again on CBS 60 Minutes This Sunday (4/26)

We are excited to report that this Sunday, April 26, The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust will be featured on the widely acclaimed CBS News program, 60 Minutes. Bob Simon and Michael Gavshon, who narrated and produced the 2006 and December 2008 programs, are responsible for this year's feature as well.

As was the case in 2006, it is possible the program will be rescheduled if more "newsworthy" events occur.

Please check local listings. You can access the video clip about the Orphanage at

The program will enable you to see how the Trust fulfills its mission and how your financial support has empowered the Trust to carry out its conservation efforts.

We hope you enjoy the feature and encourage friends and family to tune in so they can learn about the work of the Trust.

With heartfelt thanks, we extend our sincere best wishes!

To foster an orphaned elephant for $50 for one year, please visit
To make a tax deductible donation, please visit

Link to this post 25 Apr 09

Good - hopefully they will gain from this visibility.

Link to this post 27 Apr 09

Thanks, Jan... I would not have known to watch otherwise.

Link to this post 27 Apr 09

Thanks, once again, Jan--for the notification of the "60-Minutes" show--and all your other important postings!

I have, in the past few years, been transferring some of my charitable donations from large iconic conservation organizations to smaller ones, like the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, who appear to spend more of their funding directly on animal welfare and less on overhead (executive pay, offices, print adverts, etc.) The cost of planes, lorries, staff, vets fees, food, bomas, etc. required to capture, care for, and return these little beauties back to the wild is enormous...and I do my little part as a Foster Parent.

The "60-Minutes" profile of Daphne Sheldrick was beautifully produced, edited and written. The narrator, Bob Simon, was perfect as the show's presenter. It perfectly encapsulated the brilliant work of this outstanding woman.

Link to this post 27 Apr 09

I agree with you 100% Kat. I have donated to many other wildlife organizations, but in the end I don't feel any of them do as much for wildlife as the Sheldrick Trust does.

Not only do they rescue orphaned elephants and rhinos, but they have purchased airplane engines for KWS, fuel for KWS vehicles, have 7 desnaring teams, and with Vier Pfoten have two veterinarians, one to take care of wildlife in Tsavo-Amboseli and the other in the Mara/Rift Valley area.

I think it would be safe to say that very few other people alive have as much hands-on experience caring for wildlife as Daphne has for over the past 50 years. She is truly a remarkable person. She is the jewel of Kenya.

You are here Bush-Talk Forum General Information Wildlife Topics Sheldrick Trust to Appear on CBS 60 Minutes Sunday, 4-26-09