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Protect Wild Tigers From Poachers........

You are here: Bush-Talk Forum Show my Watches Forums General Information International Wildlife Topics Protect Wild Tigers From Poachers........

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Protect Wild Tigers From Poachers........

Link to this post 17 Oct 08

i have received the following ALERT today.
pls go to the site and sign the petition for the tiger's sake!

thank you!

Protect Wild Tigers From Poachers
Target: Ms. Hongyan Guo, Deputy Director, Wildlife Conservation Department, State Forestry Administration, China
Sponsored by:

The beautiful wild tiger is heading quickly toward extinction, with its diminishing numbers estimated at a meager 3,500.

Extensive poaching has decimated a number of species of rare animals, including tigers and the animals they prey on. Yet China is considering a policy that would open its market to tiger parts, which could entice more poaching of wild tigers. Chinese officials promise to keep the ban on wild tiger products. But that guarantee is a thin, unenforceable and inhumane distinction to draw between wild and farmed tiger parts.

Wild tigers struggle enough from rapidly shrinking habitat and food sources. Humans have hunted the tiger's primary prey, such as deer and wild pigs, almost to extinction. Lifting China's successful ban on the tiger part trade would only increase the threat from profit-driven poachers by placing an irresistible bounty on the head of wild tigers.

Please help protect the last remaining wild tigers from extinction. Sign our petition to China's Department of Wildlife Conservation today, and urge them to keep their effective ban on the tiger part trade.
deadline: Ongoing...
goal: 50,000


Link to this post 17 Oct 08

23,833 signatures now Pippa!

Link to this post 17 Oct 08

27,432 now!

Link to this post 18 Oct 08

32,168 signatures!

Link to this post 18 Oct 08

thank you see - we might be able to make a difference and change that vicious tune!

take care!

Link to this post 10 Jan 09

Signed it. Thanks.