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Rhino Charge - Worthy fundraiser

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Rhino Charge - Worthy fundraiser

Link to this post 20 May 08

Re: Rhino Charge – 2008.

Rhino Ark has made a commitment that this years Rhino Charge event will be different.

With the Post Election Violence earlier this year, Rhino Ark has shown its massive generosity in promising to contribute 50% of the total amount raised in 2008 to assist Internally Displaced Kenyans. Over 1 Million people lost their homes at the start of this year and are still now homeless. The remaining 50% of the funds raised will go towards the Aberdare Mountains to protect the forest and wildlife in this fragile ecosystem. The Aberdare Forest is one of the largest forests and mountain eco systems in Kenya where more than 30% of Kenyans are dependant on the Aberdare rainfall, vegetation and its rivers. The fence ensures protection of this forest as well as protecting Kenya’s endangered Black Rhino.

If you would like to be involved again or have never been involved before, this is your chance to help these two very good causes and to make sure the money you donate goes directly to the people who need it the most.

The Rhino Charge is a sporting event where a restricted number of entrants drive four wheel drive cars and tackle impossible terrain to complete the shortest distance between 10 points by travelling in as straight a line as possible. This is a team that is dedicated to helping the environment and protecting the future of Kenya and the Kenyan people,

There are several different ways in which one can sponsor us:

• Vehicle Main Panel (Bonnet or main Side Panel) sponsorship – Ksh 100,000/= (Euro 1000)

• Vehicle Minor Panel (Wheel arches, roof, rear panels) sponsorship – Ksh 50,000/= (Euro 500)

• Fence contribution – Pledge Ksh 30,000/= for 40 km of fence (Euro 300)

• Open Pledge to our fundraising website:

• Restrictions to the above are not specific and any other sponsorship amount will also be
highly appreciated.

For all pledges we will enter you into the main Raffle in which a variety of prizes from a Suzuki Jeep to holidays in Kenya can be won.

Your company can gain a large amount of exposure through the sponsorship of this event and it can be recognised by TWO of your Companies Corporate Social Responsibilities.

The Rhino Charge Event has in the past been covered by all major Kenyan publications including Msafiri, DSTV, MNET, Transworld Sport and National Geographic amongst others so advertisers normally get good exposure.

Many thanks for your kind support.

Kind regards,

Torben Rune and Team 28
Car no. 28

Link to this post 20 May 08

After I posted this I went to make my donation using the above link. It took me to the webpage but not to RCteam28. Thus I just put Torben Rune's name in and it did indeed take me to his fundraising page for Rhino Charge.

Sorry about the glitch in the link.