Hi Pippa:
I agree with you 100%. Over many years Kenya has had the best wildlife policies.
However, they have had to fight tooth and nail to retain those policies. It seems almost every year
someone tries to push through the idea of sport hunting. So far KWS, and I suppose some of the
politicians also, have been able to withhold the ban.
It does have its problems. Foremost is the totally corrupt politicians. The people of Kenya
deserve much better than they have.
A real concern is the huge proliferation of camps/lodges cutting off even more land that could be used by wildlife. Another frustrating thing is the chronic problem of cattle in the parks. I realize that in many cases KWS has its hand tied because a lot of the politicians own the cattle. When KWS chases them out of the park it is only is poor herder that gets fined, not the politician owner. And then the politicians harrass KWS to let the poor cattle stay in the park as they can't find food anywhere else.
Unfortunately all the money we pay as tourists in park fees don't go directly into the KWS coffers for
wildlife conservation. Some of it ends up in the general funds the politicians use for other things. Thus KWS is also short of funds to carry out things they may wish to do.
But all in all, even with the problems, most Kenyans realize how important their wlldlife is to be passed down for future generations and the majority of them do care. It is only those we consider barbaric
who hunt for ivory, spear, poison lions etc.
Since the government hasn't yet figured out that China will end up owning everything in Kenya, the more Chinese that come - the more wildlife problems will arise. But that is true all over Africa.
One of the best wildlife conservations group in the entire world is the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, run by Dame Daphne Sheldrick. Not only do they do everything possible to save orphaned elephants and rhinos, but they also work closely with the communities, have desnaring teams, veterinary teams, assist KWS in purchasing fuel and parts for planes and vehicles, etc. No-one does a better job than the Trust.
I'm so glad you are starting to see the tremendously positive side of Kenya. Yes, it has its problems,
but what country doesn't. With more supportive people like you, it can only help Kenya to go forward.