Dear all.. I'm interested in searching for Anti-Poaching vacancies around South Africa. Does anyone know of any websites where I could find these sort of positions? Ok and to add, I am ex-SAPS, so I too have done the necessary training.
- Edited by fckit on 09.10.2008, 08:26 -
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Please advise???

Hello -
I believe your best bet would be to contact local governments that act on behalf of tourism and wildlife - or some of the bigger NGO wildlife foundations that have contacts or links to what you are looking for.
Good luck as most of these people do not reply to e mails - you may try and do websearches and see if they have numbers you can call.
Good luck - as most of these posts get taken by either local ex poachers or ex military personel that are have work permits or nationals of the countries.

I agree with Nico, to my knowledge most anti poaching personal are ex military as they are all ready trained in the disciplines necessary for the task.
I do know that private game farms do have problems with poaching & may be a source of employment in this field.
But I do worry that your request has no mention of conservation!

Original von kipper
I agree with Nico, to my knowledge most anti poaching personal are ex military as they are all ready trained in the disciplines necessary for the task.
I do know that private game farms do have problems with poaching & may be a source of employment in this field.
But I do worry that your request has no mention of conservation!
Anti-poaching would contribute seriously to the conservation of many different kinds of animals, kipper.

Original von fckit
Anti-poaching would contribute seriously to the conservation of many different kinds of animals, kipper.
I fully agree fckit. But as a conservationist ( What ever that is!) I have a number of private little projects which bring me into conflict with people such as hunters.
Although I have no problem with hunting I do have a problem with some of the unethical forms of hunting available at present as well as other ways that Africa is being plundered by foreigners.
Your user name "Fckit" is not the normal sort of title used by people interested in conservation! It is very impersonal, no "You!"
Anti poaching? Is that not the greatest hunt of all?....Man!
Excuse my cynicism but after many long drawn out debates & it is only as the debate matures that the true intentions of others sometimes become apparent. I have learnt to beware of the intentions of some people. Perhaps it is old age!
I am sure your intentions are honourable but your request regretfully rang alarm bells with me.

Ok that's understandable kipper and I appreciate your comments, however, I don't think that I should be judged purely because of my nick name-that's a little shallow, don't you think? Our topic here is Anti-Poaching and how I could use my experience to help.