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Crop-raiding male elephants - de-tusked

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Crop-raiding male elephants - de-tusked

Link to this post 08 Mar 08

Prevention of human and animal conflict

Source -

Six crop-raiding male elephants have been de-tusked on Ol Pejeta Conservancy.

The exercise was carried out by Ol Pejeta and the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS).

De-tusking means trimming of the tusks.

Its ultimate goal is to prevent the elephants from breaking the fences and venturing into the surrounding communities, where they become a threat to humans and their crops.

The pieces of tusk were handed over to the KWS Nanyuki station.

The animals are now being closely monitored in order to establish the effectiveness of the exercise.

The elephants were painted with large markings on their backs to make aerial monitoring easier to carry out.

De-tusking does no harm to the elephant since the part of the tusk that is removed has no nerves.

Having realized that their tusks are not affected by the electric current in the fence, the elephants had developed a habit of hooking their tusks onto the fence wires and pulling the wires off.
Historically, de-tusking has not been successful, but with close monitoring and changes in the configuration of the fences, Ol Pejeta felt that the exercise was worth a try.

If successful, the exercise will provide another important tool in the prevention of human aNd animal conflict.

Link to this post 08 Mar 08


Thanks for posting this. It will be interesting to see if this experiment works.

Elephants broke the electric fences with their tusks. BUT, they also know they can just knock the wooden fence post down to the ground with their feet and then just walk right in. It might work, but it might not also.

It will also be interesting to see if it effects the elephants in other ways. With no tusks they will not be able to dig or pry bark off trees. They will also have no tusks to defend themselves in fights with other bulls.

Hopefully not only KWS but the employees of Ol Pejeta will keep their eyes out and see what, if any, effects this will have on these bulls.

Link to this post 12 Mar 08

I agree with this as the male use their tusks as well for dominance and protection; plus eating etc. Positive sides have negative as well...

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