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China OK's hunting of endangered species!

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China OK's hunting of endangered species!

Link to this post 09 Aug 06

China OK's hunting of endangered species!

China is to auction licenses to foreigners to hunt wild animals, including endangered species, a newspaper said on Wednesday.

The government would auction licenses based on types and numbers of wild animals, ranging from about $200 for a wolf, the only carnivore on the list, to as much as $40,000 for a yak, the Beijing Youth Daily said.

The auction, taking place on Sunday in Chengdu, capital of the southwestern province of Sichuan, would be the first of its kind in Chinese history, it added.

"Some animals are from the first and second category of national wildlife protection, but with the strict limitations in place, the hunting could not destroy wild animal populations," the daily said.

The report made no mention of the endangered giant panda, some 1,500 of which survive in nature reserves in southwestern China.

Five western areas, including Qinghai, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces and the autonomous regions of Ningxia and Xinjiang, are involved in the auction.

Hunting of animals is popular with Chinese who like to eat exotic meats or use animal parts in medicines for their perceived aphrodisiac or medicinal properties.

But the hunting licenses would be available only to foreigners, given China's strict rules on gun control, the daily said.

"Hunting is not slaughtering," it quoted an official at a wild animal protection department as saying.

Proceeds from the auction would be used for wild animal protection, the report said.


Can money buy a new life? Or can money create the Species again?

Hunting endagered species..........for protection! In China! Where envirnoment is put way down the list! Who does one want to fool?

Link to this post 10 Aug 06

a country which does not recognize human rights for it people how can one expect this country to respect animal rights???
it's disgusting and only poorly educated people react like this or politicians who gets their share - corruption is the topic here! this "license business" opens all doors to corruption!

Link to this post 10 Aug 06

Well spoken Pippa........but not only Corruption but also Mega Devastation!

Link to this post 12 Aug 06

Well spoken Pippa.

You are here Bush-Talk Forum Edit my Forum Profile Forums General Information Wildlife Topics China OK's hunting of endangered species!