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Intersting event from Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

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Intersting event from Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

Link to this post 08 May 07

"Sian is a very proficient Mini-Matriarch. A very interesting event occurred when the Keepers were leading the group out into the forest one morning, and Sian halted the elephants, and refused to follow. This puzzled the Keepers. Sian then pointed in the direction the Keepers wanted to go with her trunk, and turned and took another route. A short time later, the Keepers were amazed when a lioness emerged from the bushes Sian had indicated, and astonished that she had detected its presence, and warned them, despite being only two years old herself!"

My guess is that she scented something strange (probably not knowing it was a lioness) and refused to go in the direction of the smell. However, it is interesting that these very young animals, despite never having seen how a wild matriach acts, seem to know how to protect their little orphan families.

Another example some months ago was when Yatta (another young female) walking well to the back of the orphaned family, rushed past the rest of the orphans and keepers and started pushing the whole group backwards. When the keepers got to the front they found an injured adder lying in the path. She couldn't possibly have seen it from where she was in the back. Does an adder make a loud enough sound that she could have heard it? And, even if she could hear it, how did she know it was something dangerous when she had never seen a snake before?

Link to this post 09 May 07

hello jan
absolutely amazing creatures and stories!
compared to humans they still have their seven senses.
i guess if we are going to spend years in the bush we get them back as well - would at least hope so
thanks for sharing the stories of these little remarkable creatures!
best regards

Link to this post 22 May 07

The smell of an elephant is very sensitive and they are able to smell urine from other animals - sent left when cats mark their territory and smell of "blood" left on skin after feeding. Females are more sensitive than the males.

As for the snake - great story, it is more the snake that would sense the precense of the elephant than the elephant the snake.
Perhaps the elephant has a similar 7th sense for animals like Pippa for those loively 8 leged little spiders and Jan with the nyokas....

I saw that Jan took a photo of a Cobra last time on safari - how did she do this...? Managed to get over her fear or did she get the driver to take the photo?
Jan - what is the secret???

Link to this post 23 May 07


It was just a lucky picture, and no, I haven't gotten over my fear. As we drove down the road the driver spotted the snake. Not knowing if it was dead or alive, he decided to give it wide berth rather than chance driving over it, and we drove around it. As we did I snapped a quick picture.

I've heard of two occasions in Tsavo where snakes have attached themselves to the under side of a vehicle and ridden some way, so there is no way I would knowingly pass over a snake in the road! Don't want another traveler with me

Link to this post 23 May 07

Ha ha ha - I can just imagine you asking the driver to please move a good 100 meters away from the snake... if that is a lucky snap shot of the nyoka with having not much love for the snake world - well then it is a great snap shot! Well done!

Sometimes they play dead as well - so you must take care.
Here in Italy we have small friendly grass snakes - spotted green snakes - totally harmless and when you play with them (we have a few here in the Tuscan country side) they play dead once they know they are caught until you put them back on the ground - and they then slowly move off.

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