Your insight and experience on this topic is so very important. Thank you for sharing it with us. Please think of writing another book about all your wildlife experiences. So few wildlife people share their personal experiences anymore. It might make you enough money to start that new sanctuary you so much wish to start!
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Interesting news - Do captive lions really need to be taught to hunt?

thanks bev for sharing your knowledge with us! very interesting to learn!
"africa geographic" just (july issue) announced that the new law on canned hunting was being introduced in june. obviously they lost track of what is still going on in south africa!
they also state that canned hunting takes place in namibia and bostwana and will be introduced in zambia soon.
one fights one front and at the same time new ones are opend. it's so sad!
best regards

Thank you very much for sharing this information with us.
Would it not be dangerous as well to send a whole pride into the wild? Would you need to identify an area where they could be released? As lions are territorial, would there not be risk of deaths between prides or will one dominant male lion take over the whole group?

The problem with animals such as lions is territory. There is no uninhabited true wilderness left. If you introduce a pride of lions into an area which is part of an existing prides territory you will be the cause of some savage fighting. I do not have the experience to know what would happen to the prides after the fighting, but surely it is the wildlife rehabilitators duty not to introduce animals in such a way that it will cause conflict, seriouse injury and death, both to the introduced animals and to the wild residents. I think it was irresponsible to release those three lions because it was unlikely that they could survive in the territory of wild lions. No i do not believe that the male(s) of an existing pride would take over both groups, i think it would be a fight to the death. That is why a sanctuary situation is so important. In a sanctuary, animals such as these may safely live out their lives in peace and dignity in large natural surroundings.
P.S. Please note that I am not an expert on lions, and am relying on my experience with other colony animals, as well as information obtained from experts on this subject.
As far as another book is concerned Chris wants to do one on our experiences in the Kalahari, but my feeling is that the market for wildlife non fiction is very limited.

Well you have perhaps more knowledge on this than any of us and it is good to read, learn and be in contact with someone who does this.
When looking at a wildlife documentary; it is good toknow that some people out there care about the future of wildlife and what is happening. Not just switch the TV off or chnage chanal and look at the next best thing and totally forget the issues.
Have you got a link to where we can get your books?
I am based in rural country in Tuscany (heart of the wine area) and no books shops around here.

Hi Nico,
You live in Tuscany!!! You lucky devil. I have heard it is ever so beautiful and that the food there is to die for. It is a place i would love to visit one of these days, before i am tooooooo old to walk the countryside. Saw a wonderful romantic movie which was based in Tuscany and i fell in love with the area.
I am passionate about our wildlife and so read everything that i can. I just wish that i had the money to do more.
We have written two books. "For the Love of Wildlife" and "Canned Hunting ~ a National Disgrace"
We do not have our books in bookstores or online. As I said before books on wildlife do not tend to move that well. Should you want a book we will gladly post one to you. "For the Love of Wildlife" will be R150 (about Euros 15) plus postage (about Euros 10 for postage surface mail) If you would like me to find out the exact postage amounts I will call the post office tomorrow. The other book was written as a campaign guide for those interested in the subject and there is no charge. We will gladly include a copy of that one free if you want it.