bwanamich, today is your day!!! you are again completely right BUT
i always euthanize my cabbage, salad and carrot before i cut it! furthermore i celebrate a kind of forgive-me ritual and believe it or not: they send me signs of forgiveness! and then i proceed ........i would never ever cut a living thing without asking the gods especially the hindu goddesses!
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story of maxwell the baby rhino

imagine you were tofu and they would only eat you as a substitute and not because they really like you. The psychological damage must be immense

carsten, you won't believe how often i consider this!
any tofu slice gets my confirmation that i LOVE it in order to keep its soul very well balanced!
tell you a story which might be wired to you:
there was a research going on in england regardijg whether plants have got feelings or not! they started with a particular plant, a particular classic music and all of a sudden they slapped that plant 4 times as soon as the music started planing! this rite was repeated at least 20 times.
then they observed as soon as the music started the plant started shaking!
now it's your or bwanamich's turn!
of course plants have got feelings! taht's the reason why i do all these smooting things.........

However, pls try to consider the following:
In a regulated hunting environment, an impala is comparable to say, a tomato. You harvest tomato BUT you plant more from seeds so that you never run out! In the same way, you can "harvest" an impala (the tomato) knowing that the rest of the herd (the seeds) will produce more. So long as you harvest below the reproductive rate, and you control other factors such as poaching, disease, etc, you should never run out of impala. The hunters may not all ask for God's permission (some do though) before they "harvest" but the end result is similar. The main difference is that an animal may not necessarily be "harvested" because of an immeadiate food requirement (although it will be all consumed) whereas a tomato mostly would.
Have a good day!

thank you for making clear that killing means harvesting - kenyans might call it "cropping"
don't give it another try!
nevertheless i appreciate that you try to make it more understable, which i won't - never!
let's leave it at that point!
you too have a good ................................................without any bloodshed .