Do you all think there is any hope of stopping this highway? From what i am reading it is a done deal. I would think Kenya could stop it with enough pressure
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serengeti highway

I too have the feeling it is a done deal. I hope I'm proven wrong though. Unfortunately Tanzania isn't going to listen to Kenya's concerns because Kenya was against Tanzania selling their ivory at the last CITES convention. There are many inequities between the two countries. For instancce, Tanzanian safari tour guides are allowed to drive into Kenya all the time (I've seen them often in Amboseli) - yet the Kenyan safari guides aren't allowed to drive in Tanzania. The have to be handed over to a Tasnzanian company.
I don't know if the UN could bring pressure to bear on the proposed highway or not. I would like to see them try to do so though.

It will be very bad for kenya the migration may not go there anymore if they do the poor animals will be killed crossing that highway

I agree with you. However, many animals have already been killed trying to cross the Nairobi-Mombasa Highway and the train rails. I have seen carcasses along the road on many occasions.
So very sad what we humans do to wildlife.

Although I agree with Jan and Joyce that there will be many thousands of animals killed by collision with traffic - this is actually the LEAST of the problem when the highway is built.
The highway will significantly impact the migratory routes of millions of animals, who, denied access to proper water and green grazing, will die in the millions! And the Maasai Mara, Kenya's leading wildlife destination and source of its greatest tourist revenue, will be greatly diminished.
Also, commercial trucks will for the first time be allowed through the park - as this corridor will no longer be designated parkland. As the Chinese have funded and will build the highway, and are the most responsible for the huge increase in the slaughter of elephant, rhino and other wildlife across the continent....poaching, which is currently experiencing a significant upsurge, will skyrocket!
This ill-conceived highway, to my mind, and I don't think I'm overstating it: will result in the greatest man-made wildlife holocaust in history.