Rhino Miraculously Survives Chainsaw Attack by Poachers in South Africa: Warning -
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Rhino Miraculously Survives Chainsaw Attack by Poachers in SA

This is horrific!
The more the middle class in Asia increases the more such incidents are going to happen!
It's a cartel and the structures are similar to MAFIA. Also the deployment of machines, choppers and the hell knows what all makes it difficult to protect any of the sought after species - for chinese witch medicine.
The only way out would be a total ban on any trophy hunting, export and sales of any kind of parts!

Even unscrupulous veterinarians are now helping the poachers by darting the animal first. Hopefully they will be found and lose their licenses.
Many African countries already have a total ban on wildlife and/or wildlife parts. The sad fact is that there is no way they can go through every piece of luggage or inspect every shipping container.
A few months ago a large shipment of ivory was found in Asia sent from Kenya. It is thought that the shipment originated in Tanzania. I was not at all surprised. I've often seen hundreds of shipping containers heading for Mombasa port coming from all East African countries. Though they do have sniffer dogs there, they can't possibly go through every single box in every container. These poacher/gangsters try to disguise their shipments in all forms. Then there are the wildlife products that manage to ship out in diplomatic pouches which authorities are not allowed to inspect. They have an almost impossible job.
I'm sure it is frustrating to the wildlife authorities, as well as embarrassing to them when shipments are found to come from their countries. Add to this is the sad fact that the African courts don't seem to adequately sentence poachers and it makes one realize that wildlife doesn't stand much of a chance.

this makes me sick. how could anyone do such a thing. these poachers have big money backing them and that is very hard to fight. If the people of these countries don't step up and protest this the animals will be gone. they will have to be coming to america to see them in a zoo.