How sick can it get?
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Rhino Conservation for HUNTING!

I don't know what country Rhino Conservation.Org is registered in, but I would think this would be illegal and they should be de-registered as a conservation organization. People have donated money from many countries in good faith that their money was indeed going for rhino conservation, when in fact it is going to killing. They should be put out of business immediately. If they want to work for a hunting organization then let them do so, but not represent themselves as a conservation organization.
Disgusting on their part!

I know this is a tough topic which we have in the past covered and I personally have debated on; however do you think the hunting safaris and their professional hunters know more about the local areas, what happens, how to protect and what is going on? Catch 22 but perhaps the conservationists that are not in the field the whole year need inside information to know what is going on?

I have already contacted the Charity commission in the UK as this is a registered org there.
Jan - I share your thoughts!

Thank you Pippa. I also just sent them a note. I hope enough people will complain that they will put this group out of business as a conservation group. Let them go and work for African Safari International!!!!

Jan & Pippa
Since both your psoting I have gone on line to look for more of such info - look what I came up with....
Taken from
Since 1996, customers of UK and European travel companies have slaughtered over 9000 bears, more than 2500 highly endangered leopards and nearly 4000 African elephants.
Every year, travel companies rake in millions of pounds from British and other European citizens who buy package tours to Africa, North America, Eastern Europe and Asia. Once there, these big game punters slaughter tens of thousands of animals, many of which are listed by the UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) as at risk, endangered or bordering on extinction.