Someone needs to find a way to stop china. They move into a country and rape it of all its good natural resources and the people of that country are left with nothing. If africa does not get some leaders that care about the people and the wildlife it is just a matter of time before everything is gone. I know they own us here in the usa which makes me sick. I pray that when i hear of a one world government that china is not the one who runs us all. The greed is so bad. It is a shame. I am sure there are other countries that do this too but it seems like china is in the lead these days
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Joyce - I am feeling the same!
Having seen a Chinese firm maintaining the tracks in Zambia's South Luanga NP in close vicinity to a poached elephant I understand that's hightime to stop them; the eli's forehead and tail was cut off - I won't forget that sight for the rest of my life!
The question remains unanswered: Who will be stopping them as long as African governments cash in the bribes and just let them do whatever they want.
These governments are selling not only their own people as slaves - they also sell our all wildlife assets. These species live in Africa but belong to all people because if they are gone....they will be gone forever!
Education is the clue here.
Make people within African countries aware what the Chinese are doing to their countries. That will be difficult as the Chinese provide work. But in the long run - they will leave behind an empty continent!
The UN should create a "world species list" - similar to the "world Heritage sites" in order to protect what's left. But as long as CITES remains the corrupt institution it is right now I don't have hope..........

I agree totally.
they will leave behind an empty continent. Perhaps not quite. China is so short of land now with too many people and they may eventually start moving hordes of Chinese into African countries similar to what Britain did years ago with their prisoners sent to Australia.
I just can't figure out why the African governments haven't seen through the entry of China into their countries. Do they honestly think that they are there to help them without getting benefit of it themselves?

I don't think the African governments are naive. I think the Chinese are making those gov members rich. These guys are simply selling their people and countries to them. They donÄt care what comes out of it in 5, 10 or 20 years. Devil may care..............

It is nearly impossible to do anything when the leaders are only interested in their own power and share of profits.
EG - do you think that Mugabe in Zim. gives a damn of what he has done? He wants another term in office again although with all respect he is knocking on heavens door!
These African leaders (most) just milk the cow for themselves and who can stop them? They do not care about their people.
The workers are fed with lies and stories and who can tell them the truth? No body -
They do not have access like you and I via news agencies, TV, internet - they live off information that is spoon fed in their mouths.
Why has China tried to keep the door shut on their people?