That's the answer I got yesterday to my question below:
Yes it is true. There is a cheetah drive thru zoo under construction.
Since January 1, 2009 there are ten camps in our conservation area section of the Mara that have organized a private conservancy called the Mara North Conservancy. We have filed with the NEMA Tribunal that is the administrative wildlife court forum in Kenya an appeal to cancel their zoo license and have been fighting them in court to stop this madness. We hope to be able to secure a cancellation of their license soon.
Unfortunately the Kenya government ij highly corrupt and unless private individuals like ourselves do something nothing happens positive here.
We will let you know how it turns out.
Best regards,
there were rumours that Spanish folks are creating a Cheetah drive thru zoo in one of the conservancies.
Have you got information on that?
Ypur point of view will be appreciated tremendously!
Thank you!
Best regards