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When not on Safari!

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When not on Safari!

Link to this post 17 Mar 09

Please help straighten me out. In the first video, "Kipper's home safari", I presume it was a honey badger and a fox in the film. Then on subsequent films it was the boar and fox? But what on earth was the last animal? ? jack rabbit; it hopped like a wallaby or small roo, yet I doubt you have them in the UK. It went so fast it was hard to tell exactly what it was.

Please enlighten me. I understand usually the more you spend on a camera the better the shots. However, every time I've tried to do night films the pictures/videos were grainy looking. You pictures don't look grainy at all. Perhaps I need to get a better camera. Do you have a spotlight in the back yard? It seemed well lit.

If the wildlife keeps showing up in your back yard, and if you don't run out of peanuts, you won't feel the pull of Africa as much

Seriously though, you are fortunate. All we see is an occasional deer and last week seven wild turkeys.

Link to this post 17 Mar 09

Hi Jan to save confusion.

In the first video there is a Fox & an English Badger, slightly bigger than a Honey Badger.
The Boar is a hybrid, a cross between domestic Pig & a Wild Boar.
The daylight animal is an English Hare! I'm not sure of world distribution of Hares so to tell, it is slightly larger than a rabbit, faster & sleeker, bigger ears with dark tips. The saying "Mad March Hares" or "Mad as a March Hare" comes from the contest activity of males in the mating season, chasing around in circles & stood on hind legs boxing each other with their fore legs making the fur fly.

The camera is a trail camera - camera trap - game camera - scouting camera - These that I have are readily available in America for around $200 other manufactures from $100 to $800.
The camera switches between infra red, IR, & normal daylight use, colour, automatically & is triggered by movement with a PIR. It can be set to 1 -3 photo's or video with a duration of 10 or more seconds.

I hope this doesn't sound like a sales pitch, Honest Mr Moderator it's not, but here has been such an interest from the video that I am in the process of becoming an agent for these cams in the UK.

All the video's were taken within 800 yards of my house!
The woodlands seem bereft of wildlife except for spore, better keep it African, you would never know the wildlife in the area but now with these camera's the woods have come alive.

I know to a lot of Nationalities Wild Boar are nothing to get excited about but here in England, on this crowded little island the last Boar were hunted out over 300 years ago a few escapees from farrns have thrived in the wild & we have small groups in areas of the UK which are seldom seen & they are unknown to the majority of the population.

Link to this post 28 Mar 09

Excellent shots!

Kipper - how much is such an ir-cam? We have got a night vision bino but having a cam would be much more rewarding because I CAN SLEEP while that thing is taping

We have bagders and wild boars mostly in and around Berlin and lots of badgers on Ruegen (island).
So YES - safari can be executed in Europe as well as you have clearly demonstrated!


Thank you for sharing!