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Kenyan couple held for having sex in mosque

You are here: Forums General Information Political Topics Kenyan couple held for having sex in mosque

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Kenyan couple held for having sex in mosque

Link to this post 10 Oct 06

Naivasha, Kenya - A couple found having sex in a mosque during the holy Islamic month of Ramadan was sentenced to 18 months in prison by a Kenyan court on Monday.

The pair, Peter Kimani and Jennifer Wairimu, were discovered in flagrante delicto on October 3 by a worshipper who investigated the strange noises he heard emanating from a dark corner in Abubakar Mosque in Gilgil, 100km north-west of the capital Nairobi.

During Ramadan, one of the five pillars of Islam, Muslims are expressly forbidden to eat, drink, smoke or engage in sexual intercourse during the daylight hours for the length of the 30-day fast.

Kimani pleaded for mercy, saying that he was drunk and thought that he was in a hotel while his partner Wairimu admitted she had been too drunk to know what was going on.

But Naivasha senior magistrate John King'ori dismissed the pair's plea for leniency, calling their behavior "abominable."

"Having sex in a mosque is a most abominable thing to religion," he said.

The Islamic faith strictly forbids Muslims from entering a mosque without thoroughly washing themselves after sexual relations.

The couple has 14 days to appeal the verdict before they are to begin serving their sentences. - Sapa-AFP

Link to this post 10 Oct 06

When Nature calls..............!

I bet the Mnazi* was good!

(Mnazi - local gin made out of coconut milk - very strong)

Link to this post 25 Oct 06

Kimani thought he was in a hotel... no reception, no bed, no walls......

Come on, Kimani, is that the best you can do?

Link to this post 26 Oct 06

JP - Would that not be Kognagi? Or Changa?

Link to this post 04 Nov 06

Yeah!.........Whatever it must have been a real Headbutt drink!

Link to this post 04 Nov 06

Yeah man!...........Whatever it must have had one hell of an effect!

You are here Forums General Information Political Topics Kenyan couple held for having sex in mosque