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topsy turvy wildlife

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topsy turvy wildlife

Link to this post 26 Aug 07

After months of rain & storms, very little sunshine, today August the 26th we have pigeons building a nest outside the window about five months later than usual!!!
I hold little hope of the young being plump enough to survive winter!

Is this natural weather cycles or the result of global warming..... Dare we take the risk that it is not global warming?
- Edited by kipper on 26.08.2007, 17:04 -

Link to this post 26 Aug 07

hi kipper,
that's a pitty but i confirm that our oleander has just started showing its wonderful purpel floral!
weather has changed dramatically within the last 5 years and i think we are just at the beginning of the whole manmade disaster!
it won't help the pigeon babies but one thing is going to come out of it: after we all have been extict nature will regulate itself to the better and this planet is going to flourish again without the human race!

nevertheless i keep my fingers crossed that these lovely mini birds will make it!

Link to this post 26 Aug 07

My olives are looking sad and deprived of water - we have not had a drop here in our local area of Tuscany since May. Last week we had 3 days of rain - too late for agriculture.
I think we can conclude we are all doing a fantastic job in changing the weather parterns and killing oursleves in the long run.

Link to this post 26 Aug 07

I guess I do not need to share any details about the effects of global warming in Greece anymore. By now it is on the news all over the world that the whole of Greece is burning.

After a good 3 months of temperatures between 37 and 47 degrees and without a single drip of water for months, this country is now burning to ashes. By now 59 people died, a village with about 1000 people is trapped by burning forest all around it and helicopters can not land because of the heat and smoke. Thousands and thousands of acres of forest are burning, the sky even here in athens is red, it is raining ashes, nearly all TV-channels are reporting 24 hours about the fires and dramas, etc, etc. The government is lost and depends on international help. Only here in Athens we had 4 big forest fires within the last 24 hours. It is burning everywhere.

Yet with the next elections and G8 meeting I am sure it will all be forgotten