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we will move with speed to enforce the ban (on smoking...)

You are here: Forums General Information Political Topics we will move with speed to enforce the ban (on smoking...)

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we will move with speed to enforce the ban (on smoking...)

Link to this post 12 Jul 07

'We will move with speed to enforce the ban'

July 11 2007 at 08:10PM

Authorities in the Kenyan capital began enforcing a ban on smoking in public places on Wednesday as Nairobi became the latest world capital to reject its harmful effects.

Smoking has been outlawed in restaurants, bars, offices, public buildings, markets, malls and theatres a year after the Kenyan High Court blocked the measure.

Offenders face fines of up to 3 000 shillings (about R316.35) or six months in prison.

Nairobi mayor Dick Wathika urged bar and restaurant owners to create designated areas for smokers as the ban took effect on Wednesday.

"We will move with speed to enforce the ban. You will see our officers busy marking areas so that we are able to provide smokers their (smoking) zone," Wathika told reporters.

Click here!

"You are free to challenge us," in court, he added.

A smoking ban is already in effect in the Rift Valley town of Nakuru and the port city of Mombasa.

In 2006, the High Court blocked the implementation of a nationwide ban introduced by the government, pending the outcome of a lawsuit filed by Kenya's tobacco growers.

Link to this post 12 Jul 07

as all over the world:
governments just cannot cope with the major problems - they are just turning on to the minor ones in order to show at least SOMETHING
it's even more obvious as tobacco producers still get subsidized in the EU

Link to this post 12 Jul 07


How long before we land?[/center]

Link to this post 13 Jul 07


You and I had best find another country in which to safari in 2008!

Link to this post 13 Jul 07

8 years ago I was Mr Nicotine himself!!
I loved smoking, never going to give up, why should I?
3 packs a day ? No bother!
I was a dedicated smoker!

You could say I enjoyed slavery!

It was the right time & I quit. Goodbye cigarettes......Hmm!......Goodbye waist!
Enjoy them until it\'s the right time for you!

Link to this post 13 Jul 07

Do cigars count....?
If yes - Carsten is going to be in real problems going to Kenya; !!

You are here Forums General Information Political Topics we will move with speed to enforce the ban (on smoking...)