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Tell eBay to Stop All Ivory Auctions

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Tell eBay to Stop All Ivory Auctions

Link to this post 28 May 07


Millions may be spent by anti-ivory campaigns, but the sad part of it is, most people have never seen them. Most people here now get their news and information from television - newspaper subscriptions are way down. The only place I have seen anti-poaching, anti-ivory information is on The National Geographic Channel. Unfortunately you have to pay extra to get this channel on most cable servies, so the average person doesn't see it. It is the general masses that need to be educated about man's destruction of wildlife - including the fact that it is many Americans and Europeans that help destroy Africa's wildlife - not being content to just destroy their own.

I am also wondering if an upsurge in poaching in Kenya will happen due to Kenya's new close relationship to China.
"Sadly, as long as there is a demand for ivory, and this still persists with no end in sight, the poaching of elephants will continue. The appetite for ivory in the Far East is undiminished, with China set to overtake Japan as a major buyer of all the legal and illegal stocks Africa can produce. Throughout the year, many illegal hauls have been
intercepted proving that there is little hope of changing the Asian mind-set in this respect, and this is very bad
news for the long-term survival of Africa's elephants, especially as the Chinese people become more
affluent and can afford the ivory trinkets they so cherish".

Link to this post 28 May 07

I agree with you both on these cases and both have valid points. The amount of money that gets funded by various countries, the IMF, World Bank to name just 2 - is incredible and so much goes to waste which can be placed into very good use.
Lets not forget to make any decision - it normally needs political green light or go ahead to have anything done.
Jan - the appetite in thge Far East is stronger now more than before as there is a lot more disposable income and people are now becoming more westernised and wish to "show" what they have.

Link to this post 28 May 07


there is a lot more disposable income
is partly the fault of the U.S. for outsourcing so much of our business to China!!! So many of the products we buy are "made in China" - in many cases we don't have a choice!

You won't believe it but the hospital I work in is now sending their medical transcription to India to be transcribed!!!
I am sure this is partly because it is cheaper, but also schools here in the U.S. no longer teach medical secretarial courses so there are very few people here learning it.

Link to this post 28 May 07

Thank you Jan for the letter - "Ivory trade has increased 4 times due to Far East" ... Very hard fingures to digest!
I am sure Bwanamich amongst others will be very interested in reading it as well. Perhaps you can post the letter on the webiste removing direct contact details protecting the named Dr and schollar based in the USA?

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