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Unforgettable Elephants - April 1, 2007

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Unforgettable Elephants - April 1, 2007

Link to this post 30 Mar 07

"Unforgettable Elephants"

Airs this Sunday, April 1. Check your local listings for times in your area.

For nearly 20 years, with patience, respect and earned trust, award-winning filmmaker Martyn Colbeck has filmed and photographed a clan of elephants on the Kenya savannah beneath the snowy peak of Mount Kilimanjaro.

In this program, he takes viewers to Namibia, where he captures stunning images of rarely sighted desert elephants as they march across miles of arid dunes for a precious drink of water. Along with breathtaking film footage and captivating still photos, Colbeck shares his insights into elephants' emotions and their ability to communicate and cooperate. "I've witnessed the most incredible scenes: terrifying battles for supremacy, emotional birth and the callous kidnapping of a youngster. Unexpectedly, these fascinating animals hijacked my life, and capturing them on film became my passion."

Length: 56 min

Premiering on PBS Sunday, April 1 at 8 p.m. (check local listings) the NATURE episode UNFORGETTABLE ELEPHANTS features Martyn Colbeck's stunning film and still photos of African elephants, which he has documented for nearly 20 years. Colbeck earned the trust of a matriarch named Echo and her offspring, and with that trust, privileged glimpses like this scene: the nighttime birth of Echo's calf Ebony, delivered after a 22-month gestation.

UNFORGETTABLE ELEPHANTS is part of the 25th anniversary season of NATURE, the Peabody and Emmy Award-winning series produced by Thirteen/WNET New York for PBS. For more information, visit

A preview clip is on YouTube at

Link to this post 30 Mar 07

simply wonderful!
a new life is born - what has life in the pipeline for this little creature?
thanks for charing this with us!

You are here Forums General Information Movies/Videos of East Africa Unforgettable Elephants - April 1, 2007