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Camp Kenya

You are here: Forums Job Opportunities Volunteers Camp Kenya

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Camp Kenya

Link to this post 15 Mar 07

For those of you who have young people who want to do some volunteer service in Kenya but don't know how to set it up you may contact: and look up Camp Kenya. They do 1 - 3 month volunteering in different venues in Kenya, gap year volunteering and they also have a "life" volunteering for us older folks.

Though my family has not personally used them, they come highly recommended from a person whose judgement I trust in Kenya.

They are also helping to rebuild an orphange in the Shimba Hills/Kwale area. A woman named Paula Gross, a nurse from the U.S., was in Kenya, saw the need of so many kids without parents and opened a small orphanage there for 20 kids with her own money and from a couple friends in the U.S. Camp Kenya and their volunteers are helping to make a difference there.

It is certainly worth looking into this helpful organization.

Link to this post 15 Mar 07

sounds absolutely fantastic!
thanks jan for sharing this with us!

Link to this post 05 Sep 07

A little followup on Camp Kenya.

I have been looking for a safe way to get a donation to Paula Gross who opened the orphanage above and also runs a clinic for the locals.

While at Satao Camp I talked with Stuart Reece Jones, a Camp Kenya employee. He told me that they will be starting to rebuild Paula's children's home shortly as well as a clinic for her to treat the villagers in. I asked him about a way to get funds to Paula and he told me that Camp Kenya Trust has a cooperative agreement with to help better the lives of orphaned children in Kenya. Thus I was able to log on to, make a donation in pounds and stipulate that it go to Paula. I believe Sallyschildren is in the UK.

It is a rather long about way of getting donations off, but at least it is a safe method of doing so - far safer than sending a check in the mail.

Thus if anyone is interested in making a donation to help build schools, orphanges or clinics (mostly on the south coast) you can log onto and make a credit card donation.