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Final thesis request, Carnivore research

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Final thesis request, Carnivore research

Link to this post 01 Mar 11

My name is Robert Alexander Euwe and I’m in my graduation year of my ‘Wildlife Management’ study on ‘van Hall van Larenstein’ University in the Netherlands.

I just came back from my internship in Nicaragua where I put up an interesting research on jaguars and pumas. I worked there for 6 months and had great results which I hope to publicate soon. Currently I’m willing to execute an interesting final thesis project, and I’m having some very interesting ideas for a carnivore project. I hope you are open to this.

In this research I look at sound and smell attraction towards different carnivores, using call-up tapes and carcasses of different prey species. I will investigate several interesting relations, which I would like to share with you if you have interest in this. It is a research rather simple to execute but it can give great interesting results in only 2 months of fieldwork and also it is a project with low costs.

So my question is if there is an organisation who want me to execute my final thesis in cooperation with them. I’m offering free recruitment, good skills, good work experience with carnivores (Jaguars, Pumas, Lions and Leopards) a very interesting research on carnivores and a possible scientific publication under the name of the organization.

My final thesis project is a 5 months during project which involves, 1,5 month of writing the project proposal (in Holland), 2 months of field work (collecting data) and 1,5 month of writing my scientific article (in Holland).

I would like to start with my final thesis project as soon as possible. I hope anyone has interest and will allow me to introduce myself and my ideas further.

Robert Alexander Euwe
Wildlife Management student, graduation year
van Hall van Larenstein University, Leeuwarden
T; 0031 6 81 27 44 08

Link to this post 01 Mar 11

Welcome Robert. Glad to hear from you and hope you'll return to Bushdrums often.

I don't know if she is in any position to hire anyone now, but if she isn't she might know of someone who could use you. I would suggest you get in touch with Shivani Bhala at Ewaso Lions at Shivani has been studying the Samburu lions for several years now. She also has a Facebook page at

Hope something works out for you. Good luck!

Link to this post 02 Mar 11

There you go - Jan already on the case. If Jan was as good in running as she is on bushdrums and wildlife; I would be training her for the summer games in London in 2012!!!

Jan, Simba - Kipper; did we not have contact with the very kind lady who I also purchased a book from in south Africa on canned lions? My mind has gone blank and cannot recall her name..... she may be able to share information with Robert?

Link to this post 02 Mar 11

Cody: I think you are referring to Chris Mercer and Beverly Pervan who run the fight against canned
hunting in South Africa. Their website is: They may indeed know of
someone in the southern African countries who might need help.

Also, while in Kenya this past week, a friend came to visit me in camp. He wrote Great Tuskers of Africa
and his new book In Search of Africa's Greatest Tuskers, coming to the US in April. He is a veteranian in South Africa. He is still in Kenya this week but I could write him when he gets home and ask if he knows of someone studying lions who could use a research assistant. However, it will be another two weeks before I can get in touch with him.

In any event, I certainly hope Robert will be able to find something that is perfect for him.

You are here Forums Job Opportunities Volunteers Final thesis request, Carnivore research