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Elephants for Jan! IR Video of elephants

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Elephants for Jan! IR Video of elephants

Link to this post 09 Oct 09

loved it !

Link to this post 10 Oct 09


Stupid question for you. Do any of the IR vision cameras allow colored film or is the light just not enough at night to allow colored film?

I, being as old as the hills, only remember sepia or black and white pictures as a kid. It wasn't until I was older that I saw colored pictures. Thus even today I hate sepia or black and white pictures (reminds me of being old). But, if black and white is the only option, I'll have to change my thinking because I love the pictures you have gotten.

Link to this post 10 Oct 09

The camera That I use is Infra Red at night & colour by day, switches automatically.
I prefer the Infra Red at night as it is less invasive than having the amount of light required to get a quality colour video at night.

Also the amount of light required would not only be invasive on the animals but would be a heavy drain on the batteries for video.
At present I am getting 4 months from a set of Lithium batteries but it does depend on the amount of night triggering & video time.

In night mode the IR emitters give a red glow, which is what the elephants are seeing, although they can't see the IR light.
There are cameras available which will use flash when taking a still picture.

The leopard shots were taken with the damaged camera & where the leopard picks up the Baboon it should have been in colour. To go to Infra red the camera has a filter that automatically operates, I think one of two things happened.

1) Due to the elephant damage the filter was stuck. (Pink Picture, I converted it to B&W)
2) The camera was sited in the shaded middle of the bush so although there was good light the camera had switched to night view (I-R)

This little camera is at the budget end of the colour / Infra-Red "Camera trap market" there are far more sophisticated cameras for sale which I will be stocking shortly, but some retail at over $1000 USD.

(Simba / Cody if you wish to edit this "Advertisment" I do not have a problem with that.)

Link to this post 10 Oct 09

Thanks for all the useful info Kipper.

I am thinking particular at the waterhole which is lit by floodlight at night. I have tried taking video but on the night setting, the pictures appear grainy looking.

If there were some way one of these cameras could be located in one of the adjacent tamarind trees (without the baboons and monkeys destroying it) I think it would be awesome.

You are here Forums General Information Movies/Videos of East Africa Elephants for Jan! IR Video of elephants