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Films from the Brilliant Simon Trevor Now Available on Amazon

You are here: Forums General Information Movies/Videos of East Africa Films from the Brilliant Simon Trevor Now Available on Amazon

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Films from the Brilliant Simon Trevor Now Available on Amazon

Link to this post 15 Apr 09

Films from the brilliant Simon Trevor now available on Amazon.

Mara Triangle
15 Apr 2009

If you've seen Gorillas in the Mist, The Colour Purple or Out of Africa, then you're already familiar with the work of Simon. Back in 1998, Simon and his daughter Tanya and her husband Ian formed the African Environmental Film Foundation which produce and distribute - for free - educational films about conservation issues to Africans.

We mentioned back in August that Simon was in the Mara Triangle filming a four part film on the Mara Conservancy, and we also posted about the public viewing of his film Natural Security at Dupoto Forest where the community were insistent after watching it once that they watch the whole film again.

Community at Dupoto Forest watch Natural Security

It is great news that you can now purchase, among others, Natural Security on Amazon. All proceeds go towards AEFF's work and will help with their mission that the DVDs will always remain free of charge here in Africa.

Films available are:

Natural Security - From Kenya’s coast to its mountains, this film shows how people benefit from their natural ecosystems, both financially & through the supply of water from natural springs, the pollination of food crops by insects, and the maintenance of biodiversity. More info...

A Keeper's Diary - The amazing story of the Kenyan Elephant Keepers working with the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust to rear orphaned baby elephants. Seen through the keepers’ eyes, the film explores the psychology of the orphaned elephants andtheir understanding of us. More info...

Running Dry - A visually dramatic and hard-hitting documentary about water issues in Kenya (where people have just 30% of the water they need), explaining water cycles and threats to water availability due to deforestation, pollution and abuse of water reserves. More info...

Wanted Dead of Alive? - A rare insight into the diverse roles played by the African Elephant in the economy, ecology and security of East Africa, showing the threats posed to both people and animals by the potential renewal of an international ivory trade. More info...

Black Rhino - On the Brink - A historical account of the Black Rhino’s slide towards extinction, and the efforts of many people in various African countries to reverse this decline. Although still severely threatened, there is hope for the future numbers slowly increase. More info...

Order your copies now!

Article at:

Link to this post 16 Aug 09

Alexandra Fuller and Petina Gappah Interviewed.

There's a nice 10-minute video interview with Zimbabwean writers Alexandra Fuller ("Don't Let's Go To The Dogs Tonight") and Petina Gappah on CNN's African Voices program:

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You are here Forums General Information Movies/Videos of East Africa Films from the Brilliant Simon Trevor Now Available on Amazon